Reinstate Wardy with apologies! VRA

Our UK president has done the honerable thing and resigned under pressure and criticism of his involvement as president of the UK VRA.

However, the majority of members are deeply saddened and dishartened by this news, especially during these difficult times.

This has been perticularly shocking as Wardys involvement has never been questioned by anyone in the club and before all the covid lockdown shitshow he was all over the club, events, forums, meeting new people and under his leadership has grown from strength to strength.

Not only is this damaging for Wardy, its damaging for the club and its members and sends a bad message.

We demand answers:

1.On what grounds has wardys involvment been put under question?

2.Why was he not contacted prior to this or at least given a warning, or even asked if he was OK?

3.Why we as active paying members not consulted about this?

4.How could such critisism be made whilst facing a global pandemic where we must lock down and self osolate to protect ourselves and others, we have already lost members to covid and the majority of us fall under the high risk catagory.

There is only one way this can be made right, and thats by the accusers explaining themselves and being big enough to apologise. And if they are lucky enough for wardy to accept his position back im sure this will make many members very happy.

.................................................WE WANT WARDY BACK.............................................