Pluto road closure for MyCiti Phase 2 Development

We the undersigned, comprising of residents and businesses in and around Pluto road in Plumstead, hereby request that Pluto road also be closed off at South road as it has been proposed for the parallel surrounding roads. 

We oppose the proposition that Pluto road remain open to be used to access South road.

In summary, our reasons for this petition include but are not limited to:

  • Pluto road is a narrow residential road that is not equipped to handle the traffic which will invairably be funnelled down it should it remain open.
  • We note the current state of disrepair of the road with multiple pot holes as proof that the traffic volume is already greater than what the road can handle. 
  • Pluto road is home to families, a home for the aged, heritage buildings, a paediatric speech therapy practice and other parties who value the peace and safety of the road's current residential status. There are also schools and places of worship adjacent to Pluto road who use Pluto road for parking and access. 
  • Pluto road provides access to the park which is a busy recreational area for the community and which will become unsafe should traffic volume along Pluto road increase.
  • We object to the natural increase in air and noise pollution which will negatively impact residents. 
  • We are concerned that our property values will diminish should Pluto become a centralized 'mini main road'.

Pluto road residents    Contact the author of the petition

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