I James Dilks am applying for the privilege of serving as the next governor of New Jersey

vintage-monochrome-skull-wearing-baseball-cap-in-smoke-cloud-with-crossed-wrenches-isolated-vector-illustration-2J2NBBT.jpgHi, I am asking you, the people of New Jersey, for the privilege of serving you as your next governor. I will be returning our home rule, by resending Murphy's unconstitutional amendment that he used to get lobbyists dollars into his pocket, will be taking the responsibility of revenue generation away from our police, and getting them proper training so they can effectively Serve and Protect instead of harass and collect, will make it impossible for offshore wind to ever darken our shores ever again, will get the MVC to drop the appointment rules and make sure all offices provided all services again even licence restorations, will be working to get out degrading roads repaired where needed at a normal price and pace to help stop wasteful spending and will effectively shrink our govt to it's operational capacity, will have any local or state politicians who accept any other monies than their set salaries from lobbyists or interest groups charged legally and blacklisted from ever serving again. Will at least try to exile the current governor from this state for his shenanigans, will reform our schools to end the indoctrination and sexualization of our children through what will be called "teachers get back to teaching act", will be fighting against CBDC by, if implemented, create a state currency to keep private transactions private , and much more to get NJ to stop being the butt of jokes nation wide and restore investability for business small and large. Btw, any lands bought up by china will be taken back and given to NJ farmers. 

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