Brian Isaacs should not be dismissed

Quoted post


#24 Re:

2016-06-08 11:41

It's seems that there is more to the story reading Brian Isaacs than meets the eye .It's not only about him assaulting and calling a pupil scum ,it's also about the fact that he made false statements about his employer  thevWCED 

Its assumed or expected that  parents sit their children down and explain the school rules and regulations ,to them,and make them aware that it's not for the school to change their rules and polices to accommodate the children, i.e it's for  the learners (with the asistance  of the parents and educators)  to  help them rise up to the standards set out by the school, so it's also expected for teachers and principles to comply and follow the policies and procedures of the  governing body (WCED) they work for.


If  unhappiness exists , like parents that have a problrm with the school, ie  it's expected  that they  follow the schools policies and procurers regarding a compliant so  it's also expected that  teacher's  and principles ,should  also comply and follow the policies ,procedures and guide lines set out by their employer     ( WCED ) ,not publicly lambast their employee and expect leniency .

Brain Isaacs is his own dimise,a bully  and a law unto himself.His a disciplinarian and expects high standards of from learners regarding behavior and academic results ,ie the same applies to those who are entrusted with moulding and shaping young minds of the future .


His  egotistical bullish, brash ,narcissistic  arogance extends further than just the issues with the WCED ,it extend's beyond the school grounds ,affecting  neigbouring residents ,which has got him.into further trouble with the law ,regarding  hate speech and public brawling, ie over and above the noise nusance. 

Not forgetting the fact that it was published in the press, that he gave false statements, which  is a questionable blight upon his character, reading  his ability to be  honest .

People change ,and harping on Isaacs past  achievements ,doesn't justify his current unacceptable  behaviour ,which should be representive of moral law ,not a law unto himself 

Alexis Serra 









#30 Re: Re:

2016-06-08 14:12:27

#24: - Re:  

 Shame Alexis. Poor spelling and grammar! Can see you did not attend SP.


#33 Re: Re:

2016-06-08 15:33:27

#24: - Re:  

 Hi Alexis - I am interested to know what your connection is with SP - you sound like you are extremely angry as you may have had 1st hand experience of his behaviour or why else would you have all these harsh things to say about him. One can only really talk about these issues if you've had 1st hand dealings with him as opposed to hearsay and of course you are entitled to your opinion and to vent your frustration and by the sounds of your post you are probably part of the group of people who are celebrating that Brian finds himself in this position. I am just interested to know. Tx


#47 Re: Re:

2016-06-08 18:30:47

#24: - Re:  

Alexis is quite correct to expect that parents ensure that their children obey the "school rules and regulations" to "help them rise up to the standards set out by the school".

My question to Alexis is, are you aware of the several poor policy decisions made by the WCED which were successfully opposed by many progressive teachers, principals(such as Mr Brian Isaacs!) and community organisations?

It would have been a shameful neglect of their moral duty if they had all complied with and "follow(ed) the policies and procedures of the governing body (WCED)".

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2016-06-10 06:13:10


#88 Re: Re:

2016-06-10 06:14:27

#24: - Re:  

 South Peninsula is an institute for learning. Alexis Serra dida  teacher not teach you to read and to write?

Who is going to teach our children and grandchildren if people like you attack our teachers?

Residents must stop  interferring with the principal, staff and students at the school.  Mind your own business.

South Peninsula High School is an excellence learning institution.  We  have been here before you.  Live with it. This same principal fought for the residents to have their houses and gave the hall for free to have meetings.

You cant stand that we have students of excellence and we are  from a poor background. 

Long live Brian Isaacs Long Live.

A man with integrity.