Say no to GST in Guernsey

Quoted post

Miss VeryVeryAngry PeedOffLocalHardWorker

#4 Robbing the poor to give to the Rich!

2014-03-04 23:19

Well how else are the States of Guernsey to get back the 2.6 million that THEY signed over to a fraud!!!!! That's right make the WORKING CLASS Pay all these taxes that they keep inventing! This is going to kill the last remaining small retailers of Guernsey, (Look how many independents closed in Jersey when they introduced GST)..... Guernsey was once a busy happy fairly Crime free Island ....(and very profitable for even the little guys), but since allowing in big companies and focusing everything on finance it has become a stagnant Concrete Rock of up their own arses politicians and greedy non locals who seek to rip what they can and scar our beautiful island with horrific glass monstrosities that no average local could even dream to own .... Greedy Parasites who live off the backs of those who continue to struggle to make a living ...... MAKING US PAY FOR THEIR MISTAKES WHEN THEY CONTINUE TO GIVE THEMSELVES HEALTHY PAY RISES OUT OF OUR HARD EARNED MONEY WHEN IT SHOULD BE BENEFITING THE ISLAND NOT THEIR OWN LIFESTYLES!!!!!!



#14 Re: Robbing the poor to give to the Rich!

2014-03-05 20:22:06