Rebuild of Nethercraig Skate Park for the young people of Pollok

Quoted post

john morton

#7 skate park

2011-07-05 18:45

if we dont look after the youth of today who is going to look after us in years to come no one coz if we do nothing now like provide skate parks and community centres and guidence for our children we will produce a generation of young adults that have nothing in their lives and who wont/dont care about anything or anyone how sad would that be i am all for helping other countries who are starving of course we should but instead of funding subsidies to other e u countries lets look after our own charity begins at home so i am told !!! stop paying money out to host banquets and the like so that visiting dignateries can sit on their fat arse's and scoff down rather expensive food and drink use an ounce of common sense and do something for our kids b4 its too late treat kids right and they will act right when they are older simples



#8 Re: skate park

2011-07-06 03:20:18

#7: john morton - skate park

nicely put john. straightto the point. it is goin very slow to get signatures but hopefully with time we might just get there lol xx