Save the 464 Evening Bus Service

Quoted post

vicky jane fellows


2011-06-13 21:08

Please support our petition and save the 464 evening bus service. As a community: we need it!



#11 Re:

2011-06-22 22:45:28

#1: vicky jane fellows -

If the evening 464 service goes , I will either have to relocate out of rossendale or somehow afford a car ..either way I will end up not ever using the service at all ..which at the end of the day can only mean higher fares and less buses in future for others , im sure im not alone  ..its a no win situation for anyone . Its maybe time rossendale council stepped down altogether and left other public transport providers with the opportunity to provide a reliable and reasonably priced bus service to the people in rossendale ? ( something we had here many years ago ) before the whole service was placed in the hands of rossendale council .