
/ #14 the full planning

2012-08-03 17:45

Please remember that it is not just West Alvington it is also the Field behind the houses on Trebble Park Estate ... we had to allow the Doctors Surgery to have access to their new Surgery ... which was given when they aggreed to limit traffic (with traffic calming) to enter from the estate
the limits were narrow the access road single file passing only
2.speed bumps on the entrance road to the access road access for any vehicles other than farm vehicles to fields
4.and no permission granted for access to any new builds on fields
behind the estate
5.the above to protect the lives and security of the children and
elderly crossing the access road that cut the estate in half

we all agree more housing is needed ... but access for these homes should not cause problems for the people already living in the area .. i was for the idea to put the new cemetery on the field
and within reason more social housing (which is needed most) but access should be to both halves of the new build via another suitable new road