New beginning

No liars on this page? Really?

/ #49 Re: Re: No liars on this page? Really?

2012-05-27 10:10

#24: Dianna Fisher - Re:

Then why did the parents fail the lie dectector tests and admit many abusive things on television and also admited to ALL the allegations that OKDHS/CPS had against them in court? I am really surprised that the maternal grandparents have not filed slander charges against most of you for what you have posted all over the internet about them. What has been said on this petition about them is enough to filed the charges. Also did you know the parents called the police and tried to have the maternal grandmother arrested the day before to stop her from showing up on the Steve Wilkos Show? And made slandereous allegation once again against her, not counting reporting false information to a police officier? I would be very careful with the evidence the maternal grandparents have it is enough for them to file chanrges on many of you.