Free West Papua


/ #11

2015-10-13 06:06

I have been hearing reports since 1990 on the genocide, torture and rape in West Papua. I am sickened that the indigenous people were tricked out of their independence by the Americans and the Indonesianswho wanted to gain access to the Freeport Mine and other oil, gas and minerals. I want these people to have independence and ownership of heir own land and decide their own future. They have the right to live in their own way as Melanesians, and not be subject to the Indonesian ways. West Papua is the other half of PNG, a land rich in minerals but more important a land of great biodiversity which is threatened by the very presence of the Indonesians on the other side of the island. The people of West Papua are the same people as in PNG. They speak the same language. Their lifestyle and culture are the same. They are not Muslims and Indonesians are not Melanesians. There is a deep channel dividing West Papua from Indonesia. Monkeys belong in Indonesia while Marsupials belong on the Papuan side. As the Jakartans transmigrate with their animals and diseases (rabies are not in Png) they pose a threat to the biodiversity in PNG. The unique flora and fauna can be threatened and the rainforests destroyed by a race committed to the spread of palm oil and the destruction of the environment. Most important of all is the denial of a people's human rights by so called civilized countries who caused the problems in the first place.