Derriford Hospital Car Parking


/ #117 Re:

2014-03-08 08:39

#116: - Agreed! Staff, Clinical. Admin and many others work lots of hours each week of unpaid time caring for patients, we are rewarded with ever increasing workloads. we cry at work, we cry at home, our children cry, our families suffer, If we ask for help the answer may be 'we are all under pressure" get on with it! The result of this constant financial pounding is sickness, work related stress, errors and consequently the NHS IS losing the skills, knowledge and experience which it needs to provide a first class service. When not at work we are all part of the general public, we will all be patients at some time in our lives and we will be visitors. We want to hear our LEADERS at Derriford supporting us in reality. Trade Unions represent the majority of us here and without them we would have had a hire and fire, minimum wage, means tested workforce many years ago. Parking will go up this year and every year the employer will come back for more. Speed cameras next?