Say no to GST in Guernsey


/ #13

2014-03-05 20:20

It is high time that the people of Guernsey stop voting for morons and start electing people with more than two IQ points and opposable thumbs. This continuing pantomime of GST should be resisted to the hilt. Doesn't Guernsey have enough problems with unaffordable house prices and congested roads!!! GST is not sound fiscal management and we are simply paying for the past largesse of past Governments and the political cowardice of "committee members" that include a DJ, a paper boy and a bar man. If Gsy wants to cut costs why not sell Beau Sejour, privatise the dairy, outsource the engineering department, digitise the licensing department, increase TRP on private pools and balconies, abolish income tax plus social insurance and introduce LVT, how about more PRIVATE schools, sell off it's surplus land etc. etc. etc.