Kenya Mps should pay Tax

Masharubu Bin Sharubu

/ #1

2011-06-24 03:37

Kenyan MPs are one of the highest paid in the world.They have actually chosen to rip the country without paying tax. How do you explain these:
1.They get untaxed car allowances, get mileage reimbursement and on top of that ministers get chauffeuer driven cars. How special are they?
2.They have free medical insurance which allows them to get treatment in kenya and abroad for themslves their families and mistresses.They do not pay a penny for this insurance and yet they refuse to pay taxes.Millions of Kenyans who pay taxes have no access to health care locally.This is not the case in any developed country, much richer than Kenya.
3.Kenyan MPs spend most of their life in parliament scheming how to get rich quick and how to win the next elections, they deliver dismally.They even do not deserve the salaries they earn now.
I can only conclude by saying, those who are opposed to paying taxes are GREEDY IMBECILES and should resign if they think they are being victimized. Even hard working doctors and nurses earning peanuts pay taxes. The MPs must pay or Pack,it is the law.We all have commitments, what a moronic argument!!!. No wonder many of them did not want the new constitution, they cheated the common man that it was because of their faith, many of them are devil worshipers.