Joan Baez deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

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2013-03-15 22:20

Great artist Joan Baez was actively involved in the great problems of mankind. The first place is of course subject to PACE. His song "We Shall Overcome / We shall overcome" best expresses his belief younger generation. At the cost of lives cut short prematurely "great bodies of American democracy" by marches and protests by hundreds of thousands of people that stopped the Vietnam war generation which, unfortunately, were massacred millions of Vietnamese. Of course by using a technique supersofisticată the U.S. military who have missed bombardment aviation including chemical bombs tested first without remorse, human beings. U.S. officials did everything to hide its human losses. But after a few years that generation discovers lying government that hid hundreds of thousands of victims, when antiwar marches major trigger that particularly stands and Joan Baez.
Joan Baez has a heart that embraced all mankind. Songs of famous artists have spring in the mountains of aspirations but also suffering human planetary highest peaks unfortunately appeared (out of nowhere or fog) in the last century.
Large contribution to world peace artist can not measure one. I think without sacrificing Joan Baez and her younger generation would have been millions of lives cut short in a few years. It's combatants who defend their country, children women, men, old or young all the territory attacked and devastated by bombs including chemicals but also combatants who were inoculated to fight for democracy, etc. But that generation has moved some peoples consciousness of peace. Unfortunately most people agree to be governed by arrogants or servants leaders who participate in policy and harmful invisible planet.
I believe, from the Nobel Peace Prizewinners 40 years list, Joan Baez missing. Committee in Norway dealing with one category (PACE, the other dealing Sweden) Nobel prize would be indifferent to sacrifice for peace (and thus for nonviolent) made ​​by Joan Baez and her generation.