Fight Conwy Council's "one way" road plan for Rhos on Sea Promenade

Conwy County Borough Council has launched a second round of consultation and is seeking feedback on its plans to alter Rhos on Sea promenade as part of improving coastal defences.

The plans involve reducing the road at the bottom of the Cayley embankment (West Promenade) to a one-way (in the direction of Colwyn Bay) access road to, effectively, a lay-by where you will pay to park whilst directing virtually all through/coastal traffic in both directions along the upper Cayley Promenade.

Strong objections to this plan were raised during the first round of consultation by the MP, the MS, the Town Council, many County Borough Councillors and local residents but the County Borough Council have ignored these and are trying to press ahead with the plans.

This petition calls on the Conwy County Borough Council to throw out these plans - misleadingly called a "one-way system" - and to leave the traffic flow as it is whilst still renovating and improving the West Promenade within the existing space.

The plans can be seen on the Council's website - search "Rhos on Sea coastal defences".

I urge you to sign this petition and support the residents of Rhos on Sea.


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