

The Irish Society need you to hear our call once and for all!

The insurance companies in this country are punishing us all for others false claims and dodgy driving!

They make it impossible for the ordinary people to own and drive a car, especially once we have reached 30 years of age.

We call to you to make changes to this system. It is biased and unfair. 

It's about time you, this nations Government, made so by us the people, did something to help us in this matter!!!

Insurance companies will not insure cars over ten years old, which you the Government have deemed fit by means of NCT.

They make it extreemly hard for any person over 30 to afford insurance. 5000 euro plus is extortionate and unacceptable, especially when there is no past claims.

The law in this country states we must buy insurance in order to drive, plus tax, plus NCT but the government isn'thelping us to be able to do so.

How can the ordinary working class get to work and contribute to the economy if they cannot afford insurance?

How can the student get to college? 

Public transport is literally non-existant in rural areas.

Please sign this petition and let your voice be heard!