The Residents of Lynnwood demand that Damelin College and the owners of the area in Excel Park office Park where the college illegally operates, take immediate action to rectify the following issues that have arisen since Damelin College started using Excel Park illegally. 

The property is NOT zoned for a tertiary education insititution. The college is there for operating illegally from the property. The City of Tshwane needs to take action on illegal land use.

Students from Damelin are selling drugs to the children in Lynnwood ( the property is one block from a junior school) , they drink in public, they urinate against walls, they harras female residents, amongst other issues. These matters were NEVER issues in the area before. 

The MMC of Economic Development is requested to institute Non Permitted Land Use immediately 

Damelin must act immediately in this regard 

Owners of the property are aware of all of the above as a meeting was held with their manager

SAPS is requested to act on the illegal drinking in public, selling of drugs and harrasment of females in the area.  


Siobhan Muller and Andrew van den berg    Contact the author of the petition

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