Campaign Against Parliamentary Corruption and Self Interests

We the people of UK feel our voices and concerns cannot be fairly heard by Lords,  MP's Councillors and Parliamentary Aides if they have Financial vested interests or stand to financially gain from Corporations/Companies or sit on  Executive Boards of Public or Private Companies . How can they represent the public who are wishing for Services to remain a Public Service?  Most People want our Public Services to remain public, or to be Re Nationalised not Privatised. Human Rights are being broken in the UK daily by those benefitting to gain. We Demand that instances of tax deals and free labour or any form of poverty pimping (Workfare, Payday loans etc) should be stopped forthwith. The people demand that your return to serve US the people who elected you, to serve the best interests of the people and the environment Our planet and to act in ways which serve US not YOURSELVES .