Another year of Peters Puns!

For the whole of 2016 Peter lightened our mornings with groanfull laughter and headshakes at his terrible daily puns. Unfortunately in 2017 Peter has declined to continue with this public service and without a successor we are now left staring at our Facebook feeds blurry eyed and mournful. No jokes to lighten our daily burden or puns to break up the 100+ photos and selfies of people we claim as friends but in reality have no clue who they are. 

Every morning as we peer over our coffee and tea mugs in the desperate search for something to make us feel the world is worth living in, we are reminded how joy has once again left us. No more chuckles will be spilled into our cornflakes, no smiles cracked as we brush our teeth, no toast crumbs spat across the table at an unamused spouse. 

Peter, we need your puns! 


Sign if you think the world (or your Facebook feed) needs a smile, a grin, or a chortle.