Petition North Lincs Council To Release The Agreed Funding For Burringham Bypass

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Burringham Bypass Update

2020-10-06 18:06:43

  A big thank you to everyone who has supported this petition.Although the Burringham Bypass was Supported by both North Lincs Council and MP Andrew Percy it has been kicked into the long grass and no progress has been made for over 5 years.This issue will continue to be raised on behalf of the residents of Burringham by there elected representives on the Parish Council.We continue to try and enlist the support of our Ward Councillor Josh Walshe,however when asked for his views at a recent council meeting he did not seem enthusiastic and his response is below.Thank you again everyone.Steve Roach

"You will know the commitment and plans for a bypass for Burringham have been around for a number of years. Last year the council held a public consultation to ask for resident views on the proposals to use the M181 as a bypass for the village, installing two roundabouts one on Burringham Road and the other off Farmers Lane. Most residents provided positive feedback and you will know that following a £4million Government backed North Lincolnshire Council scheme, work on the Northern Roundabout has already commenced. The government have committed to provide more funding for the Southern Roundabout off Burringham Road and the housing developer has planning permission for this already, no start date has yet been set for works to start. The Council is chasing this on a regular basis. 

Highway professional say that the improvements are set to remove the number of cars going through the village accessing the Isle of Axholme and also to minimise traffic from Messingham, Scotter and Bottesford avoiding Berkeley circle to head toward the M18 at Thorne or the M180 at the Belton junction, this will then therefore result in reduced traffic flow through Burringham Village. ",


Steve Roach

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