Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



People have died because of the decisions of these criminals

Lois Braman (Saint Augustine, 2021-10-24)


Following one's duty as a citizen of this country and this world.

Ed Harrison (Pegram, 2021-10-24)


Crimes against humanity

Verdon Tomajko (Superior , 2021-10-24)


I'm sick of this FARCE! mRNA injections are KILLING, MAIMING and DISABLING INNOCENT people!!! 2,323,143 reports of death and injury on VIGIACCESS!!! 800,000 reports to USA's CDC so far and that # is FAR Underreported!! 20,595 DEAD and 1.9 MILLION INJURED (50% SERIOUS) reported to european union’s EudraVigilance database of adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 SHOTS!!! It's HORRIBLE!!

Miss Allaneous (Collinsville, 2021-10-24)


WE THE PEOPLE stand united against these genocidal, lying PERSONA (lat. "Mask(s)") and demand them to be "tried" (at the very least) and prosecuted!

Alexander Jankowski (Chemnitz, 2021-10-24)


this has to stop

teresa zundel (somis, 2021-10-24)


Outrageous plan on small steps to make humanity slaves of the dark. The evil. I hope God will put this into order because you have done evil things. Unhuman people, We see you. We will win.

Monia Gheorghiu (Bucuresti, 2021-10-24)


I am signing this petition because I want every person who has been complicit in any way to be held accountable for their actions. Many, many people who have been vaccinated with the Covid=19 vaccination are going to have lifelong adverse effects from this vaccine and many will die. Investigation and prosecution of those individuals responsible for crimes against humanity must take place.

Riley Sherry (Squaw Valley, 2021-10-24)


I want freedom for my children and family! I want freedom for my country.

Tracy D'Agostini (Windsor, 2021-10-24)


I believe this was man made and millions have died from it being released weather on purpose or otherwise. Building a bio weapon weather used or not is gynecide.

Michael Florence (PENDLETON, 2021-10-24)


I'm signing because vaccines is crime against Humanity

Theis Larsen (FARUM , 2021-10-24)


Millions of people have been injured or killed by these clot shots. This is genocide.

Emile Beaulieu (Surrey, 2021-10-24)


the value of liberty is explicitly said to be secondary to, and derivative from, the value of equality.

Michael Moffat (Lincoln , 2021-10-24)


This isn't 'science', it's psychology. It's not 'protection', it's control. It's not 'love', it's fear...

Evasen Pillay (Pietermaritzburg , 2021-10-24)


I'm a medical doctor registered in Hungary and Australia. I experience numerous side effects including vaccine related death here in Hungary. Our medical "experts" hand-in-hand with the government officials lie to the public the same way they do in America. We have to stop it.

Kilin Judit (Szentendre, 2021-10-24)


I am upset the United States of America has not given every person ivermectin to eliminate this covid virus from our country as has Uttar Pradesh, India as well as Japan. May GOD bless all who are working to eliminate this virus.

Raymond BOUVY (Rochester, 2021-10-24)


The vaccines cause harm and death. No one is given information about potential harm before being jabbed

Lorene Diana (Makawao , 2021-10-24)


This is a crime of unbelievable proportions. I have kids and grandkids that need me to stand up for what’s right. God Bless us all

Wanda Whatley (Pell City, 2021-10-24)


I agree

Sean Ricketts (Phoenix, 2021-10-24)


Je to genocída národa, ktorá musí byť potrestaná !

marian michňo (Krásno nad Kysucou, 2021-10-24)


These modern fascists need to be removed from power, condemned justly.

Marek Sekerák (Košice, 2021-10-24)


I want to stop this genocide!
I want freedom.
I want NO mask or vaccination mandates!
I want to punish social maniacs, who are leading this insane thing over us!

Andrej Potočnik (Ljubljana, 2021-10-24)


Chci zpět své práva pracovat bavit se a žít. Nebudu otrok fašistické diktatury státu. Chci stát který slouží lidem.
I want back my rights to work, have fun and live. I will not be a slave to the fascist dictatorship of the state. I want a state that serves people.

Kateřina Petráčková (Hradec Králové, 2021-10-24)


We have to stop the crime against the humanity immediatelly!

Mirka Surovcová (Valasske Klobouky, 2021-10-24)


This is disturbing everyone should have a choice

Tracie Miller (moree, 2021-10-24)


I am signing because the depopulation plan must be stopped and this Devilcrat Party must be destroyed !

Zorina Bennett (Temecula, 2021-10-24)


Hors de question de tuer les enfants

MOULARD Christel (Fos-sur-Mer, 2021-10-24)


I lost a very close friend within 24 hours after her first injection of a Maderna Vax. I have many family members that were terrified of COVID, and got the Vax. If Dr. Brooks is correct they will either die within the 2 years or get sick. Will you also go after drug stores and NYS Health Departments, inluding the Governor?

Chloe A Riley Haner (Harpursville, 2021-10-24)


I know this is crimes against humanity as I have done my homework.

Mona Jensen (Krokstadelva, 2021-10-24)


bcs of their fascism, and genocide

Nastja Nas (geneva, 2021-10-24)


I am signing because forced vaccination with a patented "Gene Therapy" agent that has not had long term studies and VAERS recordings of close to 17,000 recorded deaths and hundreds of thousands of adverse effects recorded is a crime violating international law.

Debra Hellams (Simpsonville , 2021-10-24)


I'm signing this for my future grandchildren and for every child I see walking down the street with a mask on and having to agree to a medical intervention to go to school

Karen McKenna (Victoria, 2021-10-24)


End despotism and evil.

Martin Křůpala (Prlov, 2021-10-24)


I want to help

Le On (Divača, 2021-10-24)


It is my duty. I know from bottom of my heart that is a good decision.

Lisjak Mateja (Štanjel, 2021-10-24)


Signing to support international investigation of the covid-crisis, misused by governments to supress human rights, establish discrimination measures and eliminate principles of democracy

Hana Maslowská (Praha, 2021-10-24)


It is necessary that those responsible are held accountable.

Jacqueline Osterop (Roermond, 2021-10-24)


Those involved in the planning and facilitation of this plandemic must be held accountable. Time for public executions.

Rob McDonnell (Richmond, 2021-10-24)


This is agenda 21 depopulation. The elite wants us all dead.

Damian Cooke (Manchester, 2021-10-24)



Annick Vanderlinden (bruxelles, 2021-10-24)


My heart is breaking over all I am seeing. It's such a small minority of those who were lucky enough to have any access to such true information and as such we have but a small voice. Please speak for those who cannot.

Chad Gertler (Liberty, 2021-10-24)


Because basic human rights have been violated, people are forced to take vaccines against their will. No political, economic, nor any other interest should take priority over human life.

Katarina Gajancova (Zebbug, 2021-10-24)


Pretože ja ináč neviem pomôcť ,ako zastaviť to ako neĺudia ničia Ĺudí " naše detičky "
Chcem priložiť ruku k dobrej veci.

Lena Piatakova (Stará Lesná , 2021-10-24)


To stop history repeating. This a complete misuse of power by governments and corporations

J Higgins (Kilbernie, 2021-10-24)


It is clear to me that some individuals or group of individuals are doing great harm to humanity. This is done by them through the spread of Covid-19 out from the lab in Wuhan, China or originating even from earlier sources inside the US (army research lab?). But they are doing an even greater damage, that is enfolding still every day before our eyes, by injecting the world population - children, adults and the elderly - with new high tech fluids, of which we are not told what their ingredients are, what the long term effects will be on the human genome and a persons health in general. Looking however at the short term damage these fluids are already causing, that gives great cause for alarm as well as the need for action to apprehend these people and groups as soon as possible. So that we can address the crimes to humanity that they are committing.

In was the part of IG-Farben called "Degussa" that produced the pesticide gass Zyklon-B for the Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, and other extermination camps. Murdering hundreds of thousands of people with this chemical. Degussa company was not dissolved after WWII. It continued to operate. One of its main products after the war was dental mercury amalgams, a tooth filling material with a 50% mercury content.... Millions of people world wide had their health damaged by this toxin in their mouth. Causing more then 100 symptoms of chronic mercury toxicity. Resume: criminal activity inside and/or by pharmaceutical and chemical companies need to be addressed much more intense and severe punishment as well as actions like dissolving factories has to be taken prudently when proof of criminal actions are found.. Else the great evil these often government trusted factories with great power are causing will continue and cause more lasting damage to the entire human race.

Peter Krone (Holmestrand, 2021-10-24)


Action is needed against this horrendous crime.

Geoffrey Draper (Orbost Vic 3888, 2021-10-24)


I am signing

Dagmar Weissabelova (Bratislava, 2021-10-24)


Because I believe in God and God is The Truth.

Vlado Stojanov (Skopje, 2021-10-24)


Estoy podrida de la impunidad!!!!!

Mercedes Angela Odontonumerologa (San Fernando, 2021-10-24)


This COVID shot is a bioweapon and those responsible for pushing it on the public around the world should be held accountable.

Erin Greer (Sioux Falls, 2021-10-24)


This "vaccine" program amounts to genocide.

Jennifer LaDue (Indian Orchard, 2021-10-24)


I staunchly uphold what Dr. Fleming stands for and a Free Society needs to hold those accountable who has pushed these evil, vile, un-needed "vaccinations" upon the world!

Mark Karns (Everett, 2021-10-24)


Ça fait un an et demi que je déconce cette expérimentation génétique. C'est encore plus clair pour moi.

Merci de votre travail !

Michel Ayotte (Trois-Pistoles, 2021-10-24)


Anyone consciously involved in this manipulation should be prosecuted ! In the past 18 months, of thousands have died or suffered from denial of medical care, lack of appropriate medical care, injection side effects, loneliness, poverty and are now forced to quit their jobs or take a jab which can cause more harmful side effects most of which I hear are not known.
We must not only reverse the trend but prosecute the culprits !

Colombe Verges (Onex, 2021-10-24)


I believe in the power of the people this is really scary , due to Nsw my state in Australia is 80 vaccination, I’m scared for my children and Australia, and I really don’t want to go to camps , we are being controlled in Australia very scary times , the saddest thing is people are so blind .

Michelle Blackburn (Inverell Nsw , 2021-10-24)


I believe there is something terribly wrong when do too won’t work with patients who have Covid!!

Karin Fillhart (Castle Rock, 2021-10-24)


Censorship from bit tech and media to avoid early treatment of covid (which saves lives, hence hiding/mocking the treatment is actually killing people) and the pushing the vaccines from the authorities (and killing more people) where nor pharma or the goverments are responsible. MANY PEOPLE (governments, media, big Tech, big Pharma) MUST BE PROSECUTED AND PUNISHED IN A HARD WAY, NO MATTER WHAT. NO MATTER THE COST.

Xavier Guerrero Pau (Barcelona, 2021-10-24)


This situation is shocking and disgraceful. Criminals needs to be brought to justice.

David Lapthorne (Melbourne, 2021-10-24)


Our freedom is at stake. I choose what goes into my person. I am not an experiment.

Brenda Harris (Donalda, 2021-10-24)


I want to see the people pushing this horrible and hateful agenda filled with lies held accountable.

Richard Kirschner (Sagle, ID, 2021-10-24)


Yo firmó porqué estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice el doctor Fleming .

Arianna Cartaya (Brandon , 2021-10-24)


I am signing this petition because we NEED to uncover and expose what has been done to people all over the world! It is absolutely CRIMINAL and is completely EVIL what has been PURPOSELY brought on humanity by the evil deeds of evil men, devising this man-made virus and unleashing it on the world in order to bring about a one world order! It is of the highest order of crimes against humanity, and those involved should be prosecuted and adjudicated to the highest degree of the law! We MUST uncover this GREAT EVIL done to humanity and BRING JUSTICE TO BEAR on all parties involved in this evil plan in order to move forward with our world!

Julie Sims (Colleyville, TX, 2021-10-24)


I believe on Free Will and not one can’t push me to take anything if I don’t want, that sounds COMMUNISM SYSTEM.

Arianny Salvia Cartaya (Brandon , 2021-10-24)


Im signing because it needs to be done. What has been done to world with this experiment is a travesty to say the least. God bless us all...

James Byerly (Statesville, 2021-10-24)


These people need to be accountable!

Brenda Boser (Deerwood , 2021-10-24)


Governments withholding lifesaving drugs in a pandemic while suppressing the truth about this safe alternatives while thousands died and continue to die after the inoculation rollout tells me this government is knowingly letting people die.

Jason BigEagle (Stoughton , 2021-10-24)

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