Reforms to be made to the teaching pattern

Request to change a few things on behalf of the students of SY. Bvoc

To: Abasaheb Garware College
University Email address

Respected sir,

This is to bring your attention to the way things are being conducted at the class level. The students of our class are not happy with the way things are being held academically.

First things first, the only mode of communication with our faculties is the whatsapp group under the name of S.Y Mass/ Media (2020-2021), and that group has been set to admins only. The education system should be democratic, the students should be able to raise concerns as a class and vice versa. We are not allowed to raise our concerns and queries on the official whatsapp group. For any updates every now and then we have to text different admins and faculties and we get different answers from all of them. The other thing that we would like to bring your attention to is the results of tests and exams we're awaiting. We do understand the current covid situation we're all facing but the results can atleast be made available on the college website. We have appeared for numerous tests and exams however we have the results for just a few. All the other colleges in Pune have made the results available online and we the students of SY.Bvoc expect the same from our college.
Moving on, Lack of interactive sessions:
The college should have more objectives than just finishing the syllabus and exams. Things like guest lectures, practical knowledge, interesting assignments, etc. are the things that will teach us. Most of us are not satisfied with the way college is running things compared to the amount of fees we're paying.

These are the points that require your immediate attention, We request you to take actions on all of these points at the earliest. Our basic demands are that the official college group to be set back to normal so that we can raise our queries and concerns directly rather than calling for help person to person, the results to be made available online so that we can assess and analyse our academic scores and work on them accordingly, to get enough interactive and new sessions and guest lectures from an experienced faculty that can help us grow in our field because we do understand the current situation and the reason why practicals are not possible. I hope actions are taken on these things at the earliest so that hereafter we can continue with our academics with peace and harmony.

Yours truly
The Class of SY. Bvoc (2020-21)

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