I have a five year old daughter named Amiah and an eight year old son named Andrew, and I've been going to court for three years to fight for custody of Amiah. How did it come to be that Amiah does not live with me ? Right before Amiah turned two I fell upon hardships. I had a house fire, lost my job and had terrible financial issues. So I did the most obvious thing I'm sure any parent would do- I let Amiah go live with my mother until I got back on my feet.

As painful as that was, I felt it was better than letting my daughter and son struggle by going place to place. Why did my son stay with me? My son was  in school at the time and I didnt want to move his schools around, simple as that.

While Amiah was living with my mom, something horrible happened. Something unspeakable. Cops were called and Child Protective Services got involved. Being that I was still not in the best living arrangement, they asked me to find a close family member for Amiah to go with TEMPORARILY. So we went to court. CPS, the lawyers and myself worked out a plan. Now, being my situation what it was, it was a little hard for me to maintain a working phone, but  I stayed in contact. 

However, I do admit I have strayed out of the time frame a time or two. But  I did my best. And they decided to work with me. How could they not? I was doing everything they asked.




Some time passed and I got back on my feet. I found a job that I loved, was able to get an apartment with the help of a family member, maintained a working phone and made it to all my visits on time. By doing this, cps granted me permission to have a five hour unsupervised visit with my daughter. But alas, I NEVER GOT MY UNSUPERVISED VISIT. As hurtful as that was, I pushed forward with a positive attitude. Knowing that we had trial a week from then, I didn't let their lie about me getting that visit get me down.

During that time, cps had me evicted from my apartment, and I moced back home, where I could be closer to Amiah. While I was living back in my hometown, I quickly got on my feet. And the court granted me joint custody with the condition that I attend family counseling with Amiah. NO ONE EVER SET UP THE COUNSELING. I CALLED THE COUNSELOR NUMEROUS TIMES TO SET IT UP, I EVEN ASKED FOR HER PERSONAL NUMBER. I NEVER GOT A CALL BACK, NOTHING. I, of course, informed my lawyer and my cps caseworker of this. NOTHING WAS DONE.

Since then, Ive had to move back to Houston; where I continued constant contact with my daughter. On October 4th, 2013, Amiah turned five. I made my way back to my hometown to spend her special day with her, however, I never got to see my  daughter for her fifth birthday, and still haven't. This, of course, drove me crazy. Her paternal cousin, who has custody of her hasn't responded to any of my messages. She has since then changed her phone number, relocated to an unknown location, and continues to withhold my daughter from me.

In January, I received a letter in the mail stating that I was to have no contact with my daughter because I missed a court date in December THAT I NEVER KNEW ABOUT!!!! NO ONE INFORMED ME OF A COURT DATE!!

And if I missed court in DECEMBER why has she been holding my daughter from me since OCTOBER????!!!

I am now ON MY FEET. I have a great job, back in my own place, and am more than able to provide for my daughter. As I have done a WONDERFUL job with my son. The court is now trying to take my rights away. I have been wronged by the justice system. I DID NOTHING FOR THEM TO TAKE MY DAUGHTER AWAY . I cannot afford a lawyer and no one with the Child Protective Services will hear me out.