Flooding of Maidenbower/Furnace Green bridleway

Quoted post



2014-01-31 19:39

Network Rail are looking at a permanent solution with the support of the County Council. While we have had exceptional and record rainfall over the last two months (over half the average annual total for Crawley), the frequency, severity, and the prolonged nature of the flooding is causing a real inconvenience to a large number of people.

There is a commitment to sort out this problem and I am working with the County County and Network Rail to get the permanent solution we need. While this petition will not speed up the work we need done, it is useful for Network Rail to see for themselves the number of people who are being adversely affected and the strength of feeling.

Thank you to Hiba for posting it. I will write to Network Rail and link back here so they can see it.

Duncan Crow.
County Councillor for Tilgate and Furnace Green.




#38 Re:

2014-02-01 15:37:45

#22: -

Thank you, Mr. Crow all efforts are welcomed. I am happy to hear that you have been working on it. Even though the feeling may be that we can't speed this up, I would like to advocate that we can and with the support of the community via this petition will endeavour to do so.