Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay


/ #133 SoF 2 Forever

2011-01-13 06:10

SoF 2, cant die, its been already here for so long, with a small community of die-hard sof 2 gamers, its small i aigree, but the small community is the die-hard community of sof 2, they sticked to this game, because its fun to play, and they have so much fun with all the mods and soundpacks.

it will be stupid for raven to stop the masterlist, since there are still people playing this game, and will always play this game.

i have for fun installed the first edition of soldier of fortune, and that serverlist is still showing, with only 10 people still playing that game, if i should say it, close masterlist out of sof 1, since only 10 people still play that game, this game still over 300 people play it.

SoF 2 is also more fun for people to play, so let us have that fun, its shoulnd't be that big of a deal the leave the masterlist running for a small fun game like this.