Save Ale Vikinghomestead

Tina Pippi

/ #17

2015-03-31 02:03

I signed the petition because I believe in the cause! The viking period is a very important part of the nordic herritage, and yet the general public still know surpricingly little about it. Places like Ale Vikinghomestead have a unique ability to teach the young generations, not only about their ancestors and herritage (and through that also who they are and why life in the north today is the way it is), but also to give them a feeling of how it was to live in a time, where if you wanted milk you had to milk a cow, and if you needed new clothes you had to spin the wool, and basically make everything from scratch. Further more not everyone is suited for learning through the usual school methods, and here places like Ale Vikinghomestead are perfect, because of the hands on way of learning! We need places like Ale Vikinghomestead!