Elba Ground rent campaign


/ #22

2014-06-11 17:50

How can the council justify such an extortionate increase in ground rent?.
How much notice (if any) did any of these residents receive that the ground rent would be increased?.
Are the council prepared to meet the residents face to face to explain themselves?
To whoever implemented these increases, in one fell swoop you have brought worry, anguish, stress, to the residents. You must be feeling so pleased with yourselves.
You know what, people go on about pay day loans and loan sharks, with their ridiculous high percentage rates. This is worse, people go to these lenders through choice, what choice have these residents had with this ground rent increase-- none.
What happens if someone cannot afford to pay the increase,? Do they risk losing their homes? This is nothing short of day light robbery, it's wrong, show some compassion, where's your morals? Haven't got any? Get some pronto .