

/ #14

2013-12-02 18:06

DEVELOPMENT BY STEALTH & in the guise of a very inadequate consultation period. The initial mistake was with the council in the pockets of local bigwigs who allowed the path of the valley to be blocked and lose possible traffic development. Many years ago there planning was made to demolish Vivary way and compulsary purchase was put in place; householders did not upkeep their properties as a consequence and then money was spent as the planning changed. In addition, there is an industrial site marked for Barrowford/Higherford :WHILST there is major planning earmarked for a hotel and apartments in the existing Smith & Nephew mill which could be the new & has a link road possible to motorway. The congestion will not be eased as the majority of traffic is headed towards Bradford via the Moss. This is going to damage some of the most scenic areas of Pendle and a proper study should be done on the residents of Earby etc as i expect you would find the majority do not even travel to Colne ! There are lots of Brownfield sites that can be developed all along the M65 that pendle residents can travel to for employment! It would also be interesting to know if this is linked to the opening of borders and the dumping of people as has been done as a political strategy in the past. The council should also review the decision makers that make up pendle residents and how many live in Whalley , Kirkby Londsdale and the like !!!!!!!!!