Desiree Meats

/ #31 About time

2011-03-03 02:03

I have been appalled these last few months with the prejudice the gypsy community has to put up with. I was not privy to this until I made a few traveller friends, only to find out that there are facebook pages that openly call for violence against that community. Propaganda type accusations which Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of. HAve we forgotten the valuable lessons Nazi Germany taught us? Have British soldiers died in vain to overthrow these type of activities? Have we forgotten Auschwitz -Birkenau, Maidanek, Sobibor, Treblinka and the othercamps where not only 6 million Jews but also 3 million gypsies, a much larger percentage of the total gypsy population than even the Jews? Is it really that long ago that we forget the lessons? Are we falling into the 'who does not learn from the past, is destined to repeat it'. Lets take a stand and show that people running facebook care about every community in the world, not just the ones where discrimnation would cause outrage in the papers. The page about the Stonehaven travellers is a case in point where. Facebook should have pulled the plug before they were made aware of the fact that the founders of the page where inciting lynching, preventing families from getting basic food supplies and even suggesting that there were peadofiles amongst the men on the site. Personally I am disgusted that the monitors of the site did not pick up on this.
A concerned non gypsy, who believes that human rights are for everyone, not just the people who scream the loudest.