Swanscombe Street Lighting

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Swanscombe Street Lighting.



2014-03-17 15:16

KCC Must Listen - We were NOT Consulted and I do not agree to having the street lighting switched off. This is not safe



2014-03-17 15:30

I too was not consulted. Nor informed by the local businesses that were consulted. There has been a lot of burglaries in this area already if the lights are to be a permanent thing then we will see an increase of crimes. If we want to set a higher class area for the ebbsfleet project dont you think they will look at the surrounding areas



2014-03-17 15:44

I'm a nervous wreck after having my house burgled whilst me and my 4 children where in bed I think my road bein in darkness is a joke!


2014-03-17 16:24

With the amount of burglaries that are happening in Swanscombe at the moment - the last thing we need is the street lights to be turned off... we are struggling to sleep in our houses at night as it is!... the KCC must listen to what we are sayng - and look into the amount of crime in the area!...
100% the new "ebsfleet garden city" will be a joke if the crime rates rise - which they will with no street lighting.... Great publicity for Kent!



2014-03-17 16:24

I think there is enough crime in this area without making the anti social behavior easier for the yobs, wearing hoodies and hiding in the alleys. The crime rate here is rising and making it easier for the thieves to get around unnoticed



2014-03-17 17:16

Simply scandalous that local people were nit consulted.



2014-03-17 17:30

with the amount of break ins muggings etc it's just plain stupid to have the lights off you may as well leave your door open and invite them in.... just want to say a big thankyou for making it easier for them to take our stuff!!!



2014-03-17 18:10

To much crime in Swanscombe area, old people will feel unsafe.



2014-03-17 18:24

Crime is rife in Swanscombe, to turn our street lights off at this time is madness.

#10 street lighting

2014-03-17 18:33

This is the first I have heard about it, with the already sudden increase in burglary and mugging in Swanscombe it really is a bad idea to turn off the lights.



2014-03-17 18:39




2014-03-17 19:15

Having no lighting at night encourages crime . This leaves the streets unsafe for those that maybe retuning home on foot in the late hours.



2014-03-17 19:29



2014-03-17 19:37

Stupid idea!!!



2014-03-17 20:04

This is such a ridiculous idea! They may have mentioned there intentions on there web page and lame adverts in local papers, but most people would have took notice if a leaflet was put through there doors?
Supposedly 75% of local's that live on estates agreed with this proposal, that was the councils 'quote' I spoke to the council to complain and they said they will log my call as an official complaint but it won't change anything!! We'll hopefully this petition will!!
It may save them money in one hand but will cost more in Police time when crime goes up!!!



2014-03-17 20:06

This is a ridiculous idea for many different and obvious reasons, its absurd and should be abolished with immediate affect!!



2014-03-17 20:26




2014-03-17 20:28

I leave for work in the very early hours of the morning and the fact that Im now forced to leave my family in a house shrouded in darkness at anytime is worrying enough but given that the area is currently in the middle of a spate of nighttime burglaries makes the whole thing an absolute disgrace. Money saving by councillors hiding behind stories of public support with no grounding in any form of truth whatsoever....shameful doesn't even begin to cover it!



2014-03-17 21:05

What a stupid idea!!!



2014-03-17 22:27

How DARE Swanscombe and Greenhithe town council decide upon this latest "scheme" without informing it's residents, most of whom are hard-working tax payers!! A notice on their website is NOT deemed to be sufficient notification! Who on Earth is really going to randomly go looking for something on their website, when they have no idea about it's existence in the first place? I don't often go onto the Swanscombe and Greenhithe town council website...once in a very blue moon! Why should I? I EXPECT to be informed, via a notice through the door, posters in local shop windows, notices on soon-to-be-redundant lamposts (might as well make use of them while they still can!)...the usual, visual ways of informing residents about important local plans/changes/etc!! If nothing else, it's decent and respectful...or don't we deserve decent and respectful? This absolutely stinks of an underhand tactic that they hoped would have gone unnoticed by us residents...second-hand citizens yet again! HAD it gone unnoticed, they'd have gone ahead and done it anyway!

When the police knocked on my door a couple of years ago (they were going door-to-door asking local residents what they thought would help to keep crime down in Swanscombe), I distinctly remember saying that the current street lighting situation was completely insufficient, that Swanscombe was VERY dark at night, thus giving "unsavoury characters" more opportunity to commit their crimes!
Now THIS proposal??? You've got to joking me?!!! Absolutely asking for trouble!!


#21 Re:

2014-03-17 22:52

#20: -

The Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council did not decide on this scheme. This is entirely a Kent County Council Scheme and Kent County Council Consultation. Kent County Council are responsible for the street lights NOT the Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council. There seems to be some confusion about this, it is NOT the Swanscombe and Greenhithe Town Council it is Kent County Council.

The Town Council do NOT and have never said 75% of residents were in favour of this scheme, it is a Kent County Council scheme.


#22 Re:

2014-03-17 22:56

#15: -

The Town Council did not and have never said 75% of residents are in favour of this scheme. People seem to be getting very confused about this, it is entirely a Kent County Council Scheme itis NOT the Swanscombe & Greenhithe Town Council.



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2014-03-17 23:49

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2014-03-17 23:50



2014-03-18 06:39

This is mad yet again KCC have put our council tax up for what , what are we paying for so much crime this will only make matters worse well done KCC if you had brains you would be dangerous we was not consulted on this