CBSE Boards 2020-21 online petition

The main reason to sign this petition is that we are under the pressure of a time bomb named exam and we are at a point that this bomb can explode anytime, we are being delayed. This is creating a pressure and anxiety that when it happens it might scar some students for life.. their 1 year might get wasted and they might get panicked and might take wrong steps. We are facing lots of issues for being kept in the dark not knowing the final dates of the board exams where other countries have minimal exams we can still show the government the student power can beat anyone. We have to unite and fight them to atleast give us the permission to take an online exam to clear our board exams. Sign this petition if you are ready to fight them. We have to be united and keep a huge upfront so that they don't stand a chance because we have done nothing wrong and we deserve to get a small change in the examination system if the teaching system can change. Please don't drop this petition we have to fight this. 

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