Lives over exams! Stand for Student safety!



I’m signing because of unstable condition

Amina Shazna (Kerala, 2021-03-21)


It’s not fair!!!

Nandan Shetty (Bangalore , 2021-03-21)


I believe in the cause.

Sarah Lewis (Bengaluru, 2021-03-21)


I am worried about the safety of my family

Muskaan Aysha (Banglore, 2021-03-21)


Due to sudden increase in covid cases.

Sneha Rao (Chennai, 2021-03-21)


I'm signing this because I travelled to Kuwait to be with my family during the pandemic and travelling back to bangalore for exams would be very difficult and stressful. Also I'm extremely worried about my health and safety as it will be in danger if I stay alone in a pg in bangalore for the exams. If I ever get corona from college, I'd have nobody to take care of me and my health and I'm afraid. Please consider all this before the final decision to reopen the college.

Angela George (Salmiya, 2021-03-21)


Because of increasing cases of covid and it's not safe to travel

Sumathi S (Bangalore, 2021-03-21)


Corona is dangerous and increasing rapidly

Riya George (Kochi, 2021-03-21)


Because I want this to happen.

Sidra Hayath (Bangalore, 2021-03-21)


It's risky for everyone lives to put in danger just for the sake of exams.

Varsha S (Banglore, 2021-03-21)


I'm signing because as we know Corona cases are increasing and it's dangerous for students to come from different places and spend it .I request to conduct online exams .

Himaja C (Bangalore, 2021-03-21)


I'm signing because I'm a outstation student and I belong to odisha. Recently due to the increase number of corona cases it is not only risky while traveling, it affects the mental health of a student who will also write up exam offline. And not only students, parents mental health is also affected. And travelling all the way from various states to a new place that to just to give up the exams for the first time all of sudden in such a pandemic situation is very risky. Kindly keep our views up. Outstation students will be affected the most , please consider their state with importance.
Thank you

Abhilipsa Dash (Bhubaneswar , 2021-03-21)


Considering the current rise of covid positive cases it's very difficult for outstation girls like us to travel such a long distance; what if hotels deny us to stay and the pgs. Then where will our daughters stay, that's what our main concern is. It would be kind of the college authority to continue this SEM as online.

Granthana Mistry (Kolkata, 2021-03-21)


The cases are increasing. There's vote in kolkata and there's a high chance of lockdown happening again in kolkata. If the college waits for the last moment I might not be able to fly back nd forth. And it would be a stressful situation .

Shraita Ghosh (Kolkata, 2021-03-21)


I'm signing because traveling to Bangalore right now, with so many rising cases of covid is giving me stress as college is asking us to put our lives on line to give exams.

Ditipriya Nayak (Jamshedpur, 2021-03-21)


Cases of covid are increasing in the city and is at its peak and college is keeping offline exams for first years.

Krishnapriya Santosh (Bangalore, 2021-03-21)


I stay in dubai .And i am finding it difficult with my visa problems to return back in the covid-19 situation

Sherin lobo (BENGALURU, 2021-03-21)


My parents aren’t allowing me to go back to college as the situation is getting worse day by day. Having all students on campus will put everyone’s life at risk.

Prachi Mishra (Ranchi, 2021-03-21)


Travelling in public transports can be very dangerous and prone to getting the virus. Other students will also be travelling from other states or area which makes it difficult!

Iciri Urs (Bangalore, 2021-03-21)


In this pandemic I want to get myself to b safe

Abdul Rehman (Mandya, 2021-03-21)


Concern over staying in pg alone in blr when cases are growing again.

Nitya Ramachandran (Sunnyvale , 2021-03-22)


Since the covid casses have increased in Bangalore it is risky to attend an offline exam and my both parents are diabetic patients so i would risk even their life if I attend offline exams

Umme Aiman (Bangalore, 2021-03-22)


Safety is my precaution

Humshitha Thammaiah M (Bangalore , 2021-03-22)


Day by day the cases are increasing and being away from home in this situation is making me as well as my parents scared.

Abinandha Ravichandran (KARUR, 2021-03-22)


It is really very dangerous for us to travel and stay in pg . as the cases are increasing pls take exams online for safety its a request

Ashmita Singh (Dhanbad, 2021-03-22)


Iam signing this petition because the cases are increasing day by day and it's not safe to travel in bus and the people don't maintain the distance .

Christina Francis (Bangalore , 2021-03-22)


It is extremely risky for us to travel and the college should understand that

Shristi Gurung (Jaigaon, West Bengal, 2021-03-22)


I care about my health and we will be the carier for our family. This is a serious measure where we have to be careful about every single thing maintaining to not be a part of crowd so i here by kindly request for the exam to be conducted *online*

Ameena tabassum Tabassum (Banglore, 2021-03-22)


I sign this because I'm really scared of going out travelling from college to home. I have to use bus to travel which is a risk during this covid as cases are increasing. And we want our exams to be online this semester as we are not going to risk our life of over exams.

Sneha K (Bangalore, 2021-03-22)


I'm signing because I'm from Pondicherry and it will be very difficult to travel to college and stay in a PG during this tough and uncertain time.

Meenakshi Kulasekaran (Puducherry, 2021-03-22)


I should shift to Banglore n stay in pg which is highly risky during this time as the cases are increasing like hell

Varsha VA (Kolar, 2021-03-22)


I sign because I'm far away from Bangalore and it's difficult to stay in pg during this covid.

Roopa shree (Bangarpet , 2021-03-22)


Im signing it because even I’m an outstation student and it’s actually dangerous for all of us to come there.

Prisha Sarraf (Varanasi , 2021-03-22)



Soumya G (Banglore , 2021-03-22)


Because I stay in Mudigere and it will become difficult for me to stay in any pg for just 15 days and right now I couldn't find any

Preksha A (Mudigere, 2021-03-22)


I'm signing this petition because there are more than 900 cases near ny area in Bangalore which is very dangerous.
Getting out from home have become a risk.
So I request you to conduct online exams.
Thank you!

Jainisha Jain (Bangalore , 2021-03-22)


I am signing this over the same concerns. I will have to stay in a PG and risk my life amid these rising cases. The exams could very well be conducted online like last semester.

Jasleen Sondhi (Kolkata, 2021-03-22)


I'm signing this petition because the cases have increased and we cannot risk our lives because this is a quick spearding disease. I would please the college to give us online exams.

Sadhana Shaker (Bangalore , 2021-03-22)


I support the cause

Anupriya Chakraborty (Asansol, 2021-03-22)


I want to be safe and healthy as the cases are increasing i don't want to take chance and I want all of them to be safe and healthy

Sunaina Raghav (Bangalore, 2021-03-22)


This is a very a crucial decision that has to be taken for the outstation and not only for outstation students but for every one. With the rise in Covid-19 cases, online exams are to be kept in mind rather than risking and putting lives up front for just few hours, no matter how much safety guidelines are followed, if disaster is to strike it will strike anyhow. If anyone of the student is to be infected the rest to(God Forbid) shall get infected.

Bhaswati Bharadwaj (Bengaluru, 2021-03-22)


Lives over exams stand for students protection please

Ancel .R Rozario (Bangalore, 2021-03-22)


Lives matter, more than exams

Advika R S (Dodda Banaswadi, 2021-03-22)


If there is offline exams it's going to be risk for others travelling as the cases are increasing in india

Anthony Gladiya (Bangalore, 2021-03-22)

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