Petition to the Board of Directors of The Orchard Property Owner's Association II, Inc.

We, the members of the The Orchard Property Owner’s Association II, Inc. respectfully request that the current Board of Directors agree in writing to the following:

1.     The current Board (the board) shall not obligate any future board by signing any new contract.

2.     The board shall not attempt to make changes to the Bylaws.

3.     The board shall not spend any monies over the normal, budgeted operating expenses and absent genuine emergencies threatening life or property.

4.     The board shall provide the membership with the names of the members of the nominating committee.

5.     The board shall accept all nominations for all qualified candidates running for a seat on the Board of Directors.

6.     The board shall hold an independent election with vote counting by a mutually agreed upon and independent 3rd party.

Members of The Orchard Property Owner's Association II, Inc.    Contact the author of the petition

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