Petition for a Compulsory Public Path Creation Order for paths at the Fort Gilkicker Site, Gosport, Hampshire.

We, the undersigned, would like to petition Gosport Borough Council to make a compulsory Public Path Creation Order over the paths surrounding the Fort Gilkicker ‘the Fort’ both belonging to the current developer Fort Gilkicker Developments Ltd and Gosport Borough Council. These paths are shown on the attached plan and include: Military Road, from Gilkicker Gate on Fort Road to the start of the promenade by Gosport Angling Club and the path going from the Fort’s   Entrance around the Fort. Gosport Borough Council promised residents that they would dedicate the paths as Rights of Way, but only after the completion of development at the site. With the site now falling again into dilapidation and up for sale, we feel it is important that our Rights of Way are established by law before the site is purchased again. This will protect paths which have been used for over 30 years by the people of Gosport and many visitors to the Fort without restriction.

Caroline Simpson. Gilkicker Information Group    Contact the author of the petition