Petition Against Revised Planning Application for further development at the Knockerdown Inn by Caffeine and Machine Ltd 23/00566/FUL
We request that this planning application be rejected because the increase for an additionsl 70 parking spaces far exceeds what is required to run the Knockerdown as a successful pub.
As you are probably aware the original application was unanimously rejected by Derbyshire Dales District Council. However Caffeine and Machine have recently submitted a revised application.
Although on a reduced scale, (at this point there is no new building) the new application still includes a huge increase in hardstanding parking from 31 spaces to over 100 in total, in addition to a proposal for a second entrance/ exit onto the B5035.
Whilst understanding the need for enough parking to run the pub successfully, the new application requests an increase in parking spaces from 31 currently to OVER 100 hard surfaced parking spaces with no justification as to why these spaces are needed.
To date the maximum requirement for parking spaces, on a recent festival day when both the pub and garden were full, was just 46 car spaces . This was the only day since the pub has reopened that any additional spaces have been required over and above the normal car park (31 spaces). On this day approximately half of the grassed over informal overflow car park was used . Historically , since re opening, the existing hard surfaced car parking area to date is rarely more than half full and no business justification has been given for a need for additional spaces.
Most worryingly the gradual creeping increase in applications for more parking space is exactly the approach used by Caffeine and Machine at their Ettington venue to reach the current total of 150 +
The key reasons for the refusal of the original Knockerdown application have not changed namely
The remote location of the site and lack of infrastructure for employees and visitors to be able to access it by foot, cycle or public transport is such that the proposed change and intensification of use would constitute an environmentally unsustainable form of development in the countryside that would be contrary to Policies S1, S4 and EC1 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017) and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
The 2nd reason given for rejection of the original application is also still valid, namely -
The siting, scale and nature of the hardstanding areas would have a significant urbanising effect that would fail to respect the character, identity and context of this part of the countryside and local landscape contrary to the requirements of Policies S1, S4, PD1 and PD5 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017)
Whilst this application does not include a new building the proposed hardstanding areas are significant and will still fail to respect respect the character, identity and context of this part of the countryside and local landscape for exactly the same reasons .
Please support us again by signing this petition .
We would also appreciate you registering your objection by emailing quoting the reference
23/00566/FUL Knockerdown Inn
Please add any of the reasons above as your objection
Elisabeth Jones Contact the author of the petition