
/ #72 Liam Backhouse

2014-03-06 01:40

What liam has done is not excuse able, although not an excuse he does suffer with Severe Depression, this is a one off moment of madness, he was cuddling & playing with Titan when I saw them both on numerous occasions, He had a snake for 15 years (with no injuries), he was a breeder of Bearded Dragons for 5-6 years (with no injuries). He is no thug, in fact he is a very quiet young man. Yes he has issues, no one denies what he has done is wrong, none more so than himself. He does not THROW the puppy AT the step! He tosses it in the air (still not acceptable), he does not HOOF the puppy, he PUSHES it with his foot (also still not acceptable), he does not PURPOSELY shut the door on the puppy. The real thugs are the B*ST*RDS threatening him & his family. Yes it is a shameful thing to happen, no it does not mean he is going to hurt a child. Liam is not a Scumbag. I trust him with my family.