No participation of Russia, Belarus, or Iran at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony



Jeg signerer, fordi jeg mener den Norske Nobelkomiteen i anstendighetens navn bør følge den svenske nobelstiftelsen eksempel.

Per Arne Godejord (Levanger, 2023-09-04)


Appeasement and trying to normalize relationships with aggressors and fascist dictatorships is shameful and disgusting

Anni Nurminen (Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, 2023-09-04)


Jeg signerer fordi Norge kan ikke legitimere terrorister og folkemordere ved å inkludere dem på det norske Nobelinstituttets årlige Nobel Fredspris seremoni. Det er umoralsk og motbydelig midt i en Russisk invasjon av Ukraina!

Cecilie Holter (Oslo, 2023-09-04)


It is a disgrace to invite perpetrators of genocide to a celebration of peace. Please do the decent thing and reconsider.

Frode Hommedal (Oslo, 2023-09-04)


Jeg signerer fordi det er helt idioti å invitere russland til en fredsseremoni mens de forsøker å utslette ett annet land.

Ronnie Laugen (Varhaug, 2023-09-04)


Fred med disse landene er verre enn krig.

Christian Bull (Stabekk, 2023-09-04)


Boycott russia, belarus, and iran !!!!

TOMOYA KOGA (Saitama, 2023-09-04)


Så lenge Russland holder på med krigføringen i Ukraina, så har de ingenting å gjøre på en nobel utdeling eller andre internasjonale arrangementer

Kjell Grindalen (Borhaug, 2023-09-04)


Russland er en kuk

Jan Christian Brøgger (Bergen, 2023-09-04)


I Sign this because Ukraine and Norway must stand together in solidarity. NAFO expansion is non negotiable!!

Anna Merikan (Dallas, 2023-09-04)


Jeg signerer fordi jeg er helt og fullt enig!

Egil Opsahl (Frei, 2023-09-04)


Inviting Belarus is particularly grotesque given their imprisonment of 2022 laureate Ales Bialiatski

Regina Scherffius (New Mexico, 2023-09-04)


Russia is a criminal state

Philippe Ronneau (Perwez, 2023-09-04)


Ruzzland bør stenges ute fra alle fora til de avslutter den skammelige folkerettsstridige krigen de har startet, trekker seg tilbake til internasjonalt anerkjente grenser, og utleverer Putin og hans bandittvenner til Haag. Belarus, Iran og de andre despotiske statene som støtter Ruzzland bør behandles på samme vis.

Jon Erik Staurset (Tromsø, 2023-09-04)


It’s a disgrace for the representatives of these nations to be treated as participants in peaceful global affairs whilst the countries they represent repress their people and/or participate in a war of aggression of their own making.

Peter Hommel (Liverpool, 2023-09-04)


Because russia is a terrorist state and Irana Belarus help russia. It's disgusting to invite them to take part in such ceremony.

Sandy Petersone (Liepaja, 2023-09-04)


Det är helt emot Alfreds Nobels testamente och anda att under pågående ryskt angreppskrig bjuda in den ryska ambassadören till prisceremonin. Ni ger legitimitet till en nation som begår krigsbrott!

Anders Blom (Stockholm , 2023-09-04)


Det er usmakelig at de har blitt invitert, og det er lite solidarisk i forhold til Ukraina. Jeg registrerer at folk stiller seg undrende til at de har blitt invitert, og jeg ønsker å ta avstand fra dette.

Kjetil Gismervik (Haugesund , 2023-09-04)


Inviting countries that are invading or countries supporting the invaders of other nations for the purpose of genocide will besmirch the reputation of the Nobel committee. They have no place in the celebration of those that promote peace.

Michael Fedun (Winnipeg, 2023-09-04)


Er der nogen, der ikke kommer med fred i 2023, så er det de tre lande. Rusland, Belarus og Iran.

Ole Sanvig (Strandby, 2023-09-04)


A country that invaded another, that hasn't moved beyond the age of imperial aspirations and conquest should be stricken from participating. The world needs to let russia know in no uncertain terms that this kind of behaviour has no place in modern society. If we're ever to evolve as a species, any barbaric terroristic behavior by any country needs to be utterly and totally condemned, not made acceptable by allowing the country to participate.

Simona Mercier (London, 2023-09-04)


They are normalizing a genocidal war.

Andrew Said (Swieqi, 2023-09-04)


As stated in the petition, I believe that the actions of Russia, facilitated by Belarus and Iran, in Ukraine are an insult to the promotion of peace, which is the foundation of this prize. Allowing these countries a seat at this prestigious event, only serves to legitimise their actions. I urge the Nobel Prize to take a stand for peace and against the deliberate destruction of peace.

Elsa Van Niekerk (Sydney, 2023-09-04)



Jana Kuldová (Skuteč, 2023-09-04)


Totalt uakseptabelt å invitere en stat som har gått til full krig mot en nabostater med foljemord som mål. Nobelkomiteen er nyttig idiit for Putin som utvilsomt vil benytte invitasjonen i sin propaganda.

Kjell Olav Stangeland (Bryne, 2023-09-04)


It is silly to expect to have meaningful dialogue with Russians. They have shown repeatedly that dialogue is purely a tool for deceit with them. Do not be naive.

Dawn Hamer (Newcastle, 2023-09-04)


Russia is a terrorist state and should not attend.

Jeremy Goddard (Auckland, 2023-09-04)


Russland er en terrorststat som begår folkemord i Ukraina. Det finnes ingen grunn til å legitimere regimet til Vladimir Putin, en kriminell, etterlyst for trafficking av barn, ved å invitere dem og deres medforbrytere til fredsprisutdelingen i Norge.

Rune Bjørnsen (Harstad, 2023-09-04)


I support ukraine untill victory and will not suffer the Russian, Belarusian and Iranian participation to take part in the Nobel peace prize #notinmyname

Chris Flinn (Newport, 2023-09-04)


Countries involved in terrorism have no place at award ceremonies for peace.

Dorothy Flanagan (Leicestershire, 2023-09-04)


Russia is a terrorist state

Johannes Wespi (Bern, 2023-09-04)


Land som bryter menneskeretten uprovosert bør utestenges fra det internasjonale Samfundet.

tove sagård (Søgne, 2023-09-04)


Stater som deltar i eller støtter annektering av fredlige lands territorie ikke har noe på et arrangement som har med fred å gjøre.

Simen Stubbrud (Oslo, 2023-09-04)


As a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, I feel an especial duty to stand up and protest against this grotesque insult against everything the Nobel Prizes are meant to stand for.

Per Ahlberg (Uppsala, 2023-09-04)


Jeg har en moralsk plikt

Arne Gullesen (Bergen, 2023-09-04)


I am from Sweden. Alfred Nobel was a swede and I think they are dragging his name in the dirt . Taking the glory from the price. Specielly when it is about the peace price.

Tomas Axelsson (Markaryd , 2023-09-04)


Jeg er enig

Bjørnar Heide (Sandnes, 2023-09-04)


Russia is a terrorist state and has started a brutal war against Ukraine. Allowing them to participate will discredit the Nobel Price forever.

Stefan Alfons Christian Feil (Wörthsee, 2023-09-04)


Jeg signerer fordi putler og hans følgere ikke har noe i den vestlige verden å gjøre. Det er grotesk om de dukker opp på en fredssenter!

Helge Haugan (Nordre follo , 2023-09-04)


The message of the petition is clear: inviting perpetrators of genocide and countries that repress their people or participate in wars of aggression to a celebration of peace is unacceptable. It besmirches the reputation of the Nobel committee and legitimizes their actions. The world needs to condemn any barbaric and terroristic behavior by any country, not make it acceptable by allowing them to participate. As a species, we need to evolve beyond imperial aspirations and conquests. The promotion of peace is the foundation of the Nobel Prize, and allowing these countries a seat at this prestigious ceremony is an insult to that foundation. We must take a stand for peace and against the deliberate destruction of peace.

John Garrison (Springfield, 2023-09-04)


It is appalling that a country invading another sovereign nation while kidnapping and trafficking children (and committing war crimes) is allowed to participate. This egregious behavior should not be accepted, excused, or tolerated. Shameful.



Det er absolutt utenkelig å invitere representanter for krigførende nasjoner med sine støttespillere til utdelingen av selve Fredsprisen. Nobelkomiteen hadde i sin tid integritet nok til å stå imot press fra en annen krigshissig makt, og tildelte Carl von Ossietzky en velfortjent fredspris.
Jeg ser helst at den norske Nobelkomiteen holder seg til den tradisjonen, og avstår fra å fraternisere med overgripere.

Arnt Martin Woldseth (Steinkjer, 2023-09-05)


Det er merkelig å invitere og feire sammen med representanter for et diktatur som driver med invasjon, okkupasjon, massemord, ødeleggelse, tortur, plyndring, bortføring av barn, og terror.

Jan Otto Reberg (Trondheim, 2023-09-05)


I’m against dialogue with dictators and war criminals.

Moises F (Havana, 2023-09-05)


NAFO doesn't want russia to have a platform. They are genocidal and their presence de-legitimizes any organization or function they attend.

Nicholas Barrows (Peru, 2023-09-05)


Russia is a terrorist state and has started a brutal war against Ukraine. Allowing them to participate will discredit the Nobel Price forever.

Kjell Fredriksen (Oslo, 2023-09-05)


russia is committing genocide against the people of Ukraine and has committed over 100,000 war crimes in Ukraine. The presence of their representatives at the Peace Prize ceremony would seriously devalue the Peace Prize and destroy the credibility of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and the Parliament of Norway.

Heather Wilkie (Perth, 2023-09-05)


eg er mot at Nobelkomiteen inviterer folk frå Russland, Kviterussland og Iran,på arrangement som har med Nobelprisen å gjere

Dette er fordi Russland okkuperer Ukraina,i union med Kviterussland og våpenstøtte frå Iran

Olvar Engebø (Sarpsborg , 2023-09-05)


Terrorists should not be invited to a Nobel Peace ceremony!!!

Jacek Wolski (Perth, 2023-09-05)


I believe it is morally corrupt to invite Russian, Belarusian participants to the Nobel Prize ceremony or associated events. With the currant aggressive war being undertaken by Russia supported by Belarus towards Ukraine it cannot be right to in its them.

Jackie Wright (Barnsley, 2023-09-05)


It is right to do so

Alex Vokes (Wakefield, 2023-09-05)


Once again Russia invades a sovereign nation killing innocent people. Give your head a shake! How would YOU feel? Think!!!

Jennifer Breed (London, 2023-09-05)


Disse landene har ingenting pt. Med fred å gjøre og bør ekskluderes. Spesielt Russland mtp deres 9 årige lange okkupasjon og invasjon av Russland

Tommy Thomassen (Drøbak, 2023-09-05)


Det är orimligt att dessa ”länder” ska delta i en fredsceremoni

Per Simonsson (Lund, 2023-09-05)


Det er helt grotesk at et land som startet den første territorialkrigen i Europa på mange år, og som har begått utallige, vel dokumenterte brudd på menneskerettighetene, samt deres få internasjonale støttespillere skal inviteres til en seremoni som skal fremme fred og internasjonalt samarbeid.

Ottar Gadeholt (Würzburg, 2023-09-05)


No russian at the party for Peace !

Helge Haugan (Ski, 2023-09-05)


Ryssland begår folkmord i Ukraine och respekterar inte Nobels Fredspris.

Ivan Liljegren (Göteborg, 2023-09-05)


Det är orimligt att Ryssland som startat ett anfallskrig får representera en fredsceremoni.

Anne-Li Torén (Stockholm, 2023-09-05)


Ett krigsförbrytande land skall inte normaliseras genom att deltaga i en fredscermoni

Björn Balksjö (Österåker, 2023-09-05)


Russia is a terrorist state

David Turnbull (SEAHAM, 2023-09-05)


Rusland, Belarus og Iran repræsenterer det stik modsatte af intentionerne i Nobels fredspris

Poul Nissen (Aarhus, 2023-09-05)


Komiteen må få hodet opp av sanden

hp flux (asker, 2023-09-05)


I’m signing because these murderous trailers to humankind cannot ever be allowed access to the Nobel PEACE prize while committing crimes against humanity.

Wake up, idiots!

Richard Housley (Sheffield, 2023-09-05)


that is obvious

Ellen Benninga (Wehe-den Hoorn, 2023-09-05)


Jag skriver på för att det vansinniga beslutet att bjuda in företrädare för dessa länder måste återkallas.

Daniel Gimströmer (Stockholm, 2023-09-05)


Det er moralsk forkastelig å invitere disse morderne til FREDSprisen!

Tone Buvig (Sofiemyr , 2023-09-05)


Fred existerar inte hos dessa länder.

Per Lundman (Norrtälje, 2023-09-05)


Inviting Russia & Belarus to the Nobel Foundation at best seems incongruous with you aims. It’s highly insulting to those of us supporting Ukraine and it’s normalising terrorist behaviour & makes a mockery of ‘peace’ initiatives. Extremely hurtful to Ukrainians fighting for their existence bc these terrorists thought it was okay to invade their sovereign nation.

Adrienne Huber (Geelong, 2023-09-05)


These countries don’t want to have anything to do with peace, it will be a mockery to invite them

Marianne Sofie (Wilnis , 2023-09-05)


Everybody should have the right to a peaceful and happy life no matter where you live. And for countries like Russia killing becomes socially acceptable if we keep treating them as if they play by our social norms even when they don’t and never intend to.

Lena Petersen (Holte, 2023-09-05)


Russia is an aggressor in an ongoing war. They have no interest in peace.

Kevin Matte (Toronto , 2023-09-05)


Russia is conducting a war of agression and commiting genocide in Ukraine

Hartmut Schaper (Munich, 2023-09-05)


Russia is a terrorist state & Putin is a searched war criminal.

Monika Mayer (Salzburg, 2023-09-05)


I think Russia, Belarus and Iran have put themselves outside the international community with their barbaric acts, and cannot be readmitted until they change their ways.

antonio cervellino (Brugg, 2023-09-05)


Russland er en aggressor som ikke fortjener å være med på diskusjoner eller festligheter eller fora med siviliserte samfunn. Slett ikke noe med nobel å gjøre

Hakon Haugnes (Oslo, 2023-09-05)


It is wrong to invite them to anything while they are murdering people in Ukraine and Syria you should be ashamed

Lesley Boshell (Lancashire , 2023-09-05)


This is just plain wrong, these people are terrorists!

Sally Pettit (Woolacombe, 2023-09-05)

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