Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I believe this to be a Biological Weapon launched on the public for the purpose of population control having served in the United States Army and going through Biological Training Exercises !

Robert Causey (Madison , 2021-10-23)


victime de harcèlement

martial nau (sarreguemines, 2021-10-23)


I believe in the Constitution and my individual rights. This administration is violating many of them, including forcing people to take an untested injection that is reportedly doing great harm to many who receive it.

Sarah Lundgren (Winchester, 2021-10-23)


Covid19 has destroyed lives and economies globally. Those responsible need to be identified and held accountable in order for us all to pick up the pieces and move into the future with the truth, not lies. We the people of the world demand it and deserve it. Tired of the abuse!!

Carol Hayes (Chapel hill, 2021-10-23)


"behaving arrogantly in the land and plotting evil. But evil plotting only backfires on those who plot. Are they awaiting anything but the fate of those ˹destroyed˺ before? You will find no change in the way of God, nor will you find it diverted ˹to someone else˺" Holy Quran.
Thank you Dr.Richard !

Chaimae EZZAIMI (Meknès, 2021-10-23)


End genocide.. Please take action to Malaysian Ministry of Health.. DG & Minister of Health must be taken to Military Tribunal for crimes against humanity, lying and bullying Malaysian peoples..

Ilham Lanzini (Kuala Lumpur, 2021-10-23)


the whole pandemic has been orchestrated by some nefarious group and I am unwilling to comply with their agenda.

Dan HINSCHBERGER (London, 2021-10-23)


These rights violations must be prosecuted, fully.
Here is a proposed "An Act To Prosecute And Penalize Those Who Used The Wuhan Coronavirus To Remove Fundamental Rights And Liberties"

Michael Tripper (Vancouver, 2021-10-23)


These crimes against humanity need to be prosecuted to the full extent of moral justice.

Stephen DeFino (Waynesboro, 2021-10-23)


I am totally opposed to vaccine mandates. This vaccine has no proven efficacy and in fact is causing much harm. It is about control and money

Theresa Ferguson (Calgary, 2021-10-23)


I want Justice!!!

Javier Laurent (Puntarenas, 2021-10-23)


What is into "Democratic" state Slovakia, so it is no normal what do there politicians.
Slovakia is not Democratic state

Marek Sukel (Kosarovce , 2021-10-23)


I care about truth and justice

Barbra Holden (Scottsdale, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing because our children and grandchildren have to live in this world. They deserve far better.

Joseph Cecil Bishoff (EASTON, 2021-10-23)


Human right

Doia-Maria Popescu (Ramnicu valcea, 2021-10-23)


In Costa Rica wird man gezwungen sich impfen zu lassen, ansonsten werde man ausgeschlossen Banken, Restaurants, Kinos, Verkaufsläden etc. aufzusuchen, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu benutzen. Diktatur total mit QR- Code!

Günther Ulbrichen Costa Rica est (San Pedro de Poas, 2021-10-23)


i do not agree with vaccination. I do nt believe them.

Lenka Balážová (Chorvátsky Grob, 2021-10-23)


This one meds fits All Policy must END.

Jackie Smith (East Sussex, 2021-10-23)


Fuck the system

Kahraman Malımühürlüdaha (Maldip islands , 2021-10-23)


I think the Corona measures destroy our democratic basis

Hubert Reiner (Nürnberg , 2021-10-23)


All of these criminals must be brought to justice.

William Diaz (Naples, Fl, 2021-10-23)


Covid-19 management has been the worst crime perpetrated on international scale in my lifetime. I will never forget the anxiety and depression caused by lockdowns, mask mandates and fearmongering of media and those pushing vaccines as the only possible way out. I

Luis Chapela (Mérida , 2021-10-23)


As an epidemiologist I am saddened to see how public health was politicized. There were unnecessary deaths and disease. These people need to be tried.

Leslie Butler (Prince William, 2021-10-23)


I am fed up with the corruption created by big pharma. something has got to stop them.

paolo sorlini (San Donato MIlanese, 2021-10-23)


Fuck Fauci bill gates and the rest they need to go to jail yesterday!

Silo Thinkss (Dallas , 2021-10-23)


I want all actors complicit in Covid crimes against humanity to be held accountable so we can stop this assault on humanity and prevent it from repeating in the generations to follow.

Jenya Gertler (Liberty, Ky, 2021-10-23)


because it's TRUE.

Alexander Shea (crested butte, 2021-10-23)


Justicia, derechos, libertades, sanidad, educación y humanidad

José Sánchez (Almería, 2021-10-23)


I have had Covid. The jab is being forced, coerced, bullied, bribed. This jab is still under trial. Actual side effects and adverse effects are being quashed.

Heila Butters (Pretoria, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing because, as a Veterinarian, I understand all the damages and danger from what is transpiring in regard to the handling of the Covid -19 treatment, the lack of early therapy, the lack of prophylaxis, and the injections of spike proteins. I care about preserving the sanctity of human life. We need to put a stop to all of this. The true science does not support the use of the drugs that the NIAID leader has mandated for hospital patients, nor does it show a need for any of the EUA inoculations since for most of the population the survival rate from the virus is 99%, so a risk of only 1 %, which is better or close to the absolute risk reduction from any of the EUA shots. The pharmaceutical companies should not be the ones handling their trial studies. It needs to be independent laboratories and scientists who have no conflict of interest by any monetary gain from the use of such injections. We need to stop the harm that is occurring now.
Those who have propagated this plan, the misinformation and caused the detriment to so many and society need to be held accountable.

Joletta Flannigan (Fairfield, 2021-10-23)



ana a (Zetland, 2021-10-23)


Medical mandates are a violation the U.S. constitution and international recognized basic human rights.

Dan Koskinen (Onekama , 2021-10-23)



Byron Llanos (Toronto , 2021-10-23)


This massive murderous action needs to be stopped.

BeverlyT Callistini (South Wellfleet, 2021-10-23)


We need to PROSECUTE Canada's Premier Justin Trudeau, His Health Minister DR. Theresa Tam. Quebec Premier François Legault, His Health Minister (who's an Accountant!) Christian Dubé, His council Dr.Horacio Arruda, and the Justice Minister Geneviève Guilbault, and ALL of the MEDIA (TVA, CTV, Radio-Canada, LaPresse, Journal de Montréal and many others + THEIR JOURNALISTS including the more notorious ones, Richard Martineau, Mario Dumont, Patrick Lagacé, Duy A. Lepage, Sophie Durocher, etc!) because ALL are GUILTY of CRIMES against HUMANITY!

Maec Demers (Longueuil, 2021-10-23)


I want justice

Qeesya Mia (Kajang, 2021-10-23)


I am signing,because my health and freedom must not be endangered by anyone.

Michaela Lukesova (Most, 2021-10-23)


Because I have been told to have the jab or my employment contract maybe terminated.
I have a mortgage of $775 per and a family to feed and all the associated expenses to survive.
I am a law abiding citizen with no criminal record and I love and respect my community.
I am so stressed and I am struggling to sleep at night.
Witnessing the government censoring information and opinions that does not suit their agenda scares me to death.

Richard Allen (Darwin, 2021-10-23)


It is a worry how all governments are allowed to do whatever they want with our bodies while we do not comply and agree. It is illegal! It is inhumane. The vaccines are not even effective, they do more damage than the sars-cov-2 it self. Everyone do your own research. Listen to both sides. How do people trust the governments if they are obviously lying to everyone? Please stop believing in everything you hear. Dr Fleming has broken it down perfectly. Go with your instincts aswell people. EVERYONE HAS A VOICE AND IT MATTERS

Laura Linaste (Banana, 2021-10-23)


I am signing because I am praying we can save humanity from heart aches thinking of the vaccinated and what they may face looking at the slides of what all is in these vaccines. I have told all my patients not to take this from day 1 and some ran out of my office and many became angry. I pray for them and am looking for all ways to save others still in the vaccine fog. Thank you for what you are doing and please contact me if I can be of service.

Christine Collins MD (LOS ANGELES, 2021-10-23)


This is justice.

mondo takata (osaka, 2021-10-24)


I signing this petition because The of Neighbor has to prevail.

Lawrence Rush (Hometown, 2021-10-24)


I strongly support the cause in order to immediately discontinue the mass vaccination program worldwide and to investigate why it is taking place against all the scientific, ethical, and
humane points of view.

Yukako Kurose (Fukuoka, 2021-10-24)


I'm signing because God wins

Michelle Shewchuk (Calgary, 2021-10-24)


Someone/ Somebody needs to be held accountable for all the dead and suffering, the lies and deceptions, the criminal doctors and nurses, the communists politicians believing they are Gods, the endless tyranny, the great evil and wickedness that has been released upon humanity.

Lucia Thomas (Newcastle, 2021-10-24)


This entire Covid catastrophe, including all of these shots (falsely referred to as vaccines) as well as the purposeful mistreatment and murder (yes, murder) of patients, by hospitals, by administering protocols/medications known to cause harm AND by purposefully withholding protocols/medications to work in favor of survival for the patient, is a willful and purposeful attempt to exterminate people worldwide to reduce the world’s population (clearly stated by Bill Gates himself)

Jacqui C (Stuart, 2021-10-24)


I want to see them all hang or be shot by a firing squad.

Jack Boyd (Raywood , 2021-10-24)


I believe that the perpetrators of the heinous crimes against humanity should be made accountable and be imprisoned for life, never to be free again


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