Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



There should be investigation and prosecution of individuals who are responsible for crimes against humanity. The experimental mRNA gene therapy Covid 19 vaccines being mandated globally is a crime against humanity and must be stopped immediately.

Robson Adrienne (Coromandel, 2021-10-23)


Justice for the world

dave best (sydney, 2021-10-23)


Defend human rights

Thomas Crisp (Spokane, 2021-10-23)


Its wrong to discriminate...its wrong to force for what we need or not itd wrong wrong wrong to block our freedom as human being.

Wan Mohd Faizal Mohamad Amin (Batu Caves, 2021-10-23)


Justice for the people who suffer with this experiment againt the humanity

Ezequiel Varela cerdas (San jose, 2021-10-23)


I am signing because I would like to support law and order, I want to see freedom in Slovakia and constitutional human rights.

Jana Petrova (Ellenton, 2021-10-23)


i'm signing because thes corrupt politicians need to be held accountable for the misery they have thrown this country into.

Marco Gouveia (Laverton, 2021-10-23)


Because it is the RIGHT thing to do, to fight for humanity and may our Creator swiftly bring Justice to these evil people.
God bless us all.

Thank you so much Dr. Fleming! Bless your heart!

Rosalee Froio (Parañaque, 2021-10-23)


Human rights are getting broken.

Pavel Macháček (Ostrava, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing because to ignore or to accept things they do is the sure way to hell.

Jaroslav Trenik (Cesky Tesin, 2021-10-23)


I'm against totalitarian and fascism.

Jiří Bránka (Zlín, 2021-10-23)


Kto sa nepostaví bezpráviu, ale sa len prizerá, stáva sa jeho vykonávateľnou súčasťou. Ďakujem za skoré rozhodnutie ICC

Pavok Kováčik (Bratislava, 2021-10-23)


This is quite evidently a manufactured medical crisis used by false positive on pcr and a complicit media narrative. These crimes against humanity must not go unpunished or there is no humanity and therefore society left!

Ross Czolak (BRIGHTON, 2021-10-23)


I am extremely concerned with the removal of civil liberties, including the right to bodily autonomy, by governments across the world. People need to be free to make their own health choices, or we have no freedom at all.

Lucy Bethell (Huntingdon, 2021-10-23)


Love of humanity

Lee Jones (Cardiff , 2021-10-23)


Es la verdad.

Mauricio Díaz Amador (Vargas Araya, 2021-10-23)


I support the originators 100%

James POWELL (Swindon, 2021-10-23)


Im sick of the pedophiles in charge hiding any evidence thats incriminates them and HIDING behind THEIR COURT SYSTEM.

Brian Anable (Bonnells Bay, 2021-10-23)


I am signing because it is important to show your face.

Barbara Schaefer (Weinheim, 2021-10-23)


These people need to be brought to court, verify the lies they are telling or prove covid exists, be tried for murder and crimes against humanity and be dealt with

Martin Hook (Worcester, 2021-10-23)


In accordance with basic human rights, I believe in true informed consent and respect for bodily autonomy. The coercive tactics that have been used are a direct contravention of medical ethics detailed in the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki.

A Daly (Liverpool, 2021-10-23)


Governments are doing harm to their people under a pretext of protecting them. The truth of the matter is now obvious; in Australia they are building concentration camps. It is WW2 all over again.

Louise Blackman (Truro, 2021-10-23)


I trust in freedom, law and justice.

Katarína Pätoprstá (Senec, 2021-10-23)


podepisuji tuto petici
protože s ní souhlasím

marcela holčáková (Ostrava, 2021-10-23)


My government have used fear to obtain compliance for laws and action that breach the trust and limits between citizens and their government. In addition, they have implemented a policy of getting a trail vaccine or lose your job which removes your right to choose what medical intervention.

James Scott (London , 2021-10-23)


We need justice, these people need to be held to account.

Ian Harper (Edinburgh , 2021-10-23)



Dancheva Marija (Zagrad Pri Celje, 2021-10-23)


Justice will be served

Jodi Ann Lovett (Newcastle, 2021-10-23)


I am signing because of all the forced vaccines in people of all ages containing mRNA poison which have not yet been given official approvals for use and are killing and injuring people around the world. I feel COVID 19 is not a pandemic but simply another coronavirus such as the flu we have lived with for decades and will continue to live with for many decades to come. I would like to see all the people associated with the forcing false information on COVID 19 dealt with legally and published for the whole world to see what they have caused.

Paul Riley

Paul Riley (Hartlepool, 2021-10-23)


It is unlawful to mandate medical experiments on the populace.

Patricia Streloff (Port Moody, 2021-10-23)



Andrea Gujberova (Bratislava, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing because of blatant human rights, constitutional rights and Nuremberg code violations. Mass media propaganda, censorship, freedom of speech violations and data protection violations.

David Duff (Dublin , 2021-10-23)


Podepisuji, protože chci pomoci odstranit snahu bohatých o ovládnutí lidstva a jeho zotročení.

Miroslav Matucha (TŘEMOŠNICE, 2021-10-23)


Sem proti vsem oblikam kratenja osnovnih človekovih pravic

tanja Krajnc (Malečnik 2229, 2021-10-23)


We need all the help we can! Something has to be done to stop these crimes against humanity. 🙏🙏

Carol Wakley (CoffsHarbour, 2021-10-23)


As a nurse of 23 years, I am continually disgusted and appalled at our medical community and regulatory agencies. We know the truth now and Fauci et. al. MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!

Shelly Crader (Wichita, 2021-10-23)


discrimination, segregation, without adequate medical treatment, coercion into a medical experiment, restriction of freedom of movement ...

Ivan Šebesta (Bratislava, 2021-10-23)


I am an American, who belives we still ahve the Right to Choose, what we will and won't allow to be put in our bodies.

ALFRED D'ARPE (Hambleton, 2021-10-23)


The destruction of our world is happening before our eyes. This is a Holocaust like no other. There must be some decent people who can stop it.

Maria Walsh (Liverpool , 2021-10-23)


I feel discriminated

Hugh Van den bergh (Kalmthout, 2021-10-23)


I am horrified that any government is knowingly killing its own people with experimental injections it needs to halt now

Wendy Low (Largs , 2021-10-23)


I am signing this because the covid-19 vaccine makers have decived the people and put them in harms way. They have comitted fraud & the future record will note BIOTerrorism.

Bioterrorism is terrorism involving the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents.
These agents are bacteria, viruses, insects, fungi or toxins.

Since these vaccine`s are full of undisclosed toxins, bioterrorism comes in to effect.

And comitting a crime like that in for instance the United States falls in the category of:

Levying War against the United States
The Article argues that many terrorist actions are appropriately punished as treason, either as acts of levying war against the United States or of adhering to their enemies. Rather than representing a fundamental departure from the ordinary criminal law paradigm, terrorist actions fit comfortably within it.



Kjell Tore Kalleli (Karmøy, 2021-10-23)


I don't believe any government has the right to force me to take medications.

Joe Gallo (Carpentersville , 2021-10-23)


The drug manufacturers and government entities rushed a drug to market and forcing them upon the people without consent and proper studies proving they are safe long term. Information being censored is causing a great deal of harm. Accountability and justice needs be served for all of the people involved.

Kelly Kirscht (Minnetrista, 2021-10-23)


You can't kill so many people in the world & not get proper punishment!!! This is totally absurd & inhuman & will not be left unpunished!!

Lela Mihail (Dulwich Hill, 2021-10-23)


Podepisují petici

Dana Císařová (Brno-sever, 2021-10-23)


I Agree with petition!

Ondrej Mentel (Šurany, 2021-10-23)


There is no informed consent. Many patients are being coerced, bribed, or threatened and that is directly against the Nuremberg Code.

Gina Cravey (Canyon, 2021-10-23)


I sign because I fully support investigation and prosecution of those individuals responsible for Crimes against Humanity

Chantal Welter (Hesperange, 2021-10-23)



Gregor Mavsar (Ljubljana, 2021-10-23)


I believe there are violations of the Nuremberg code happening right now regarding mandatory Covid vaccines that need to stop immediately.

Elizabeth Davis (Lodi, 2021-10-23)


It is personal's choice what to put in their own bodies!

Margo Peterson (East hanover, 2021-10-23)


Lockdowns and the mandates forcing vaccination contravene the Nuremberg code and the human rights act and have caused unnecessary suffering and death.

Mandy Batten (Castleford, 2021-10-23)


For freedom

Darja Požun (Sevnica, 2021-10-23)


People are dying without being able to use real treatments that are proven to work and shoving a vaccine down your throat with potential of dying when your survival rate is more that 99% with the actual sickness.

Whitney Johnson (Hillsboro , 2021-10-23)


Elite Criminals, Government, Government Agencies, Social Platforms, and Main Stream Media are lying to the public and they need to be held to account for their crimes. I lost my poor dear wife because of their crimes against humanity!

Frank Chappell (Murrieta, 2021-10-23)

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