Swine flu vaccine

Quoted post

Debbie Conroy

#2 Unreasonable

2011-01-17 23:04

It's disgusting that the government are not ensuring people have the ability to ensure their children are protected by being able to purchase the swine flu jab. If anything happened to my children I would hold the government responsible. I have tried 15 hospitals to purchase the swine flu jab but to no avail as they are all out of stock! This is like a third world country and it's not good enough. I wonder if David Cameron's children have had the vaccination?



#4 Re: Unreasonable

2011-01-18 00:41:13

,,#2: Debbie Conroy - Unreasonable 

 Yes Debbie, you are right, It is an absolute disgrace "A vaccine lottery!"  I am pretty sure most members of parliament/government have got their children vaccinated, if we were to know the truth! Thank you so much for your support, yours gratefully, karen.