
/ #3311

2011-12-18 04:52

the sweetest people on the earth, the Devotees, who open their Temples to all people of all races, religion, social status and backgrounds holding no descrimination against anyone who wish to inquire about God, are constantly being per secuted. Devotees do not harm any living creature, they encourage people to love God and oneanother and to live simply not exploiting mother earth and her resources, which if everyone embraced there would be no issue of 'global warming' or of world hunger, 'Simple living, High thinking'. Devotees embrace God in all of their thoughts, actions, words and encourage others to remember Him also. They accept all of the servants of God like Jesus and love them completely,(more than anyone). If you look at the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, the Torah you will see that the Devotees are living examples of how God expects civilized humans to be living, not only in words but in actions. They are people who are genuinely surrendering and devoting their lives to God and the propergation of God consciousness, if anyone finds fault with that then they are surely the most unfortunate of sad sad souls.
Hare Krsna Kavita