Petition for Gates to be Operational in El Prado Pod and Closed outside of Construction Hours (6pm-6am)

Petition for Gates to be Operational in El Prado Pod and Closed outside of Construction Hours (6pm-6am) / Announcements / Communication about this Petition / Comments



2022-07-09 03:07

Great work and diligence Chase!! And as a fellow resident. I am thankful for all of those that took action to sign and or comment. -J Manuel



2022-07-09 03:11

I have noticed they have security cameras in the construction zone. place a few more in the established neighborhoods. Another point that needs to be addressed is worker etiquette. Watched quit time workers departing and estimated speeds upward of 60mph, way dangerous. Witnessed workers tossing their trash from their vehicles passing by my house on Escondido.



2022-07-09 06:38

Thank you for spearheading this endeavor! The safety and value of our community of its residents and property are of utmost importance and priority.

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