#NoMoreExclusion #TaiwanCanHelp #HealthForAll #不要再將台灣排除在世界衛生組織(WHO)之外
I'm taiwanese(new taipei city, 2019-05-18)
We are from Taiwan, an independent country with responsibility for international health.(New Taipei city, 2019-05-18)
I am signing this because Taiwanese have the right of human beings and shouldn’t be excluded from WHO.(Tainan, 2019-05-18)
It not right to keep Taiwan out of WHA for we are known for some great public health programs including HBV vaccination and greatest coverage of health insurance. We can help to make the world better!!(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan can help!(Taipei, 2019-05-18)
As a global citizen, I realized that we are all part of one community, regardless of race, nationality, gender, or religion. Fighting for good health and well-being, providing clean water and sanitation, and reduce inequality is what Taiwan has been doing domestically and out of the nation. Since Taiwan has achieved highly in scientific research, health care, high education, and human rights, I believe Taiwan could contribute greatly in WHO, and also save more human beings in the future.(New Taipei, 2019-05-18)
I love Taiwan(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-18)
Taiwaness human right can not be excluded because of political situation, that is why I approve that Taiwaness should be a member in WHO.(Taipei, 2019-05-18)
THE WHO entitles this right to every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social conditionTAIWAN shouldn't be the exception.
(New Taipei City , 2019-05-18)
Taiwan shouldn’t be excluded out of WHO ! We are human beings as well(New Taipei , 2019-05-18)
Health is human rights. People can only be happy when they’re healthy. And Taiwan really can help with that.(Kaohsiung , 2019-05-18)
Health for all, Taiwan can help!W.H.O for Taiwan!!!
(Stuttgart , 2019-05-18)
For the welfare of more than 10 millions of people sake.(Den Haag, 2019-05-18)
Stop the exclusion of Taiwan from WHO(Tainan, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan has all the rights to be included in the WHO. Politics should not interfere with healthcare!!! What happened to the hippocratic oath?(TAOYUAN, 2019-05-18)
Stop the exclusion of Taiwan from the WHO!!!(Tainan, 2019-05-18)
I’m signing here because of world health should be an independent issue, not political issue.(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-18)
Please support Taiwan enter WHO(Tauyuan, 2019-05-18)
I'm signing because I am Taiwanese and stand for the point that Taiwan, Republic of China, is part of world and should be participated and cooperate with world health organisations to help and improve health issues of the world. It is shame and irresponsible to ignore Taiwan's existence.(Groningen, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan can help!(Taiching, 2019-05-18)
I support Taiwan to be part of WHO.(Taichung , 2019-05-18)
No more exclusion(TAIPEI, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan plays an important role in disease prevention and treatment.(New Taipei city, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan can help!(Taipei , 2019-05-18)
I'm signing because Taiwan is the democratic country in Asia.(kaohsiung , 2019-05-18)
Please let us, republic of China, Taiwan, be one of the members of WHO.(Taipei, 2019-05-18)
I hope it’s a peace world.(New Taipei City, 2019-05-18)
It's a shame and a mistake to exclude Taiwan from WHO. Taiwan, as a sovereign state, shall no longer be viewed as a province of communist China. All the people on this sovereign state shall share the same right and privilege as other people(s) around the world.(Emmeloord, 2019-05-18)
I,m signing because of Taiwan should able belong to the member of WHO/WHA.(Taipei, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan is a country!(Taipei w, 2019-05-18)
I love Taiwan(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-18)
People in Taiwan deserve same right. We can also contribute ourselves to prevent the disease spreading out.(New Taipei City , 2019-05-18)
Taiwan is also a country need Public health policy.(NewTaipei city, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan can’t be neglected in WHO .(Taichung , 2019-05-18)
Taiwan can help(Changhua , 2019-05-18)
I hope that Taiwan should be seen. Taiwan medical treatment is really good. I hope that the world can see Taiwan medical treatment. Please let us join the World Health Organization.(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-18)
TaiwanCanHelp!!!(Taipei, 2019-05-18)
Taiwan has it's independent government system(Amsterdam, 2019-05-18)
I need to do the right thing(KH, 2019-05-18)