Melbourne United Soccer Club

Quoted post


#15 BSA

2016-02-17 23:52

I understand everyone has things they do not like about certain aspects of BSA.

Like most soccer clubs depends on who you talk to and their experiences.

BSA certainly has not been run as effectively or as efficiently as most would have expected and communication is poor at best.


This is why we need impassioned people from all three of our distinct communities and areas of operation to volunteer to help fix it and to not segregate themselves because of local only mindsets or blind discontent.


Please keep these facts in mind:


1.) As of the 2013 alliance agreement: BSA is the only recognized FYSA club.


2.) ​After the 2013 alliance agreement the entering clubs (MUSC & ROCK) needed to migrate under one 501c and one tax id which is/was BSA. That means consolidation.


3.) As of the original 2013 BSA agreement all fields and players fall under BSA, check gotsoccer it all says B5BSA.

This includes: MaxRodes/Flutie/SWP and Dick Blake.


4.) This really is one club with 3 areas of operation.

The LABs (Local Area Boards) were in place to help organize and manage the 3 separate areas of operation.


My understanding is BSA has made a concerted effort to create and adopt new bylaws to better serve everyone in our 3 community club. This means a new singular board structure (7-9 members) with local area representation: 2-3 board members residing in each of our effective areas; beachside, mainland & rockledge. This new board design is an effort to make policies consistent and fair among all club operating locations as well as to streamline processes, procedures and pay among club staff (REC through Comp) . The new voting board members are not allowed to be coaches or paid employees of the club. There can and will have to be parents on the board, we are a club of primarily volunteers, there has to be.


We have not lost your club, if anything we have an opportunity to get involved and help BSA grow in a positive direction. 



#16 Re: BSA

2016-02-18 02:48:38

#15: Guest - BSA 

 Then why was this done without notification?  Why have you taken over the rec program?  Why are those that are paid by BSA voting?