'Help Save the Crown Theatre Eccles'

Contact the author of the petition

Demolition Order!! URGENT RESPONCE

2015-11-04 08:43:27


Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your valuable signatures.

If you are following us on the various social media formats, you will be aware of a crucial stage of the campaign.

The application has gone in to Salford.org.uk for the permission to remove the Grade II Listing to enable the Demolition of the Crown Theatre Building:

Listed Building Consent for the mixed use development comprising of the demolition of the derelict former Crown Bingo Hall and construction of a seven storey building comprising 95 dwellings (C3) with 123sqm of (A1) retail space and 304sqm of community space D1 (non-residential institution) and D2 (assembly and leisure) to ground floor, with amenity space and parking serving the residential units, and access. Former Crown Bingo Hall Church Street Eccles Salford M30 0LZ

Ref. No: 15/66648/LBC

I urge you to go to the public access site & register. Then register an objection without delay.

The closing date is This Friday6th Nov 2015 


There are two applications, the above in bold is the reference for 'Listed Building Consent' and is the priority to stop the building being downgraded and demolished.

Please share with as many people as you can as a matter of urgency.

It takes minutes to help save a 117 year Victorian Grade II Listed Building.

Historic Landmark buildings should not be erased from our Towns and Cities.


Twitter: savethecrown  @EcclesLyceum

Facebook: Savethe CrownTheatre Eccles 

email: savethecrown@mail.com

Eccles Lyceum Theatre Trust

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